Pinned issues
- 0
API reference link on OTA broken
#4451 opened by ghoeffner - 4
#162 opened by OttoWinter - 1
Wrong indentation in Pulse Counter docs example
#2386 opened by DanielJutz - 1
Cookbook: MQTT
#116 opened by hajdbo - 0
on_raw_value automation missing info
#99 opened by Mynasru - 8
New integration request: RCWL-0516 (doppler radar)
#86 opened by rradar - 1
- 1
ESP32, OLED Display and Deep Sleep
#533 opened by VanGog86 - 1
- 1
Configuration for TTGO-Camera Plus
#509 opened by rudgr - 1
- 1
- 10
Cookbook: mqtt-bmp180-oled.yaml
#87 opened by rradar - 1
cookbook for i2c soil moisture sensor
#331 opened by guptamp - 1
New integration request: HomeKit BLE
#339 opened by jperquin - 1
ADS1115 docs wrong constants
#11 opened by schumar - 2
- 1
- 1
HDC1080 image missing
#19 opened by janpieper - 1
BME280 wrong values
#21 opened by Palkin81 - 5
Details about uploading firmware manually
#23 opened by fabaff - 0
- 1
Intel NUC Hassio errors
#54 opened by LuisCanossa - 1
Changed availability_topic and discovery
#74 opened by Yevgenium - 0
Sonoff Dual R2 TX/RX Pins
#84 opened by HFsi - 4
- 1
time servers list formatting , need a sample
#93 opened by voicevon - 1
rules of component name defination
#94 opened by voicevon - 2
- 1
- 1
remove the switch section
#119 opened by lasse9000 - 2
make the switch a light-switch
#118 opened by lasse9000 - 1
Slampher relay pin
#134 opened by swhaat - 4
Build/test in Windows Docker - make: *** No rule to make target 'webserver'. Stop.
#139 opened by DavidDeSloovere - 2
Problem with Sonoff TH10 & Si7021 sensor
#152 opened by gaimos - 1
ESPHome-docs docker image on unraid
#174 opened by erazor666 - 1
Can you add validate button to EDIT window?
#188 opened by poldim - 1
- 1
Feature request: batch upload
#215 opened by bruxy70 - 1
Display page change with physical key
#229 opened by Ausonius - 1
- 1
BME280 Altitude graph issue
#240 opened by kgalilio - 1
Stepper component typo
#253 opened by definitio