
Bachelor thesis introducing a concept of X-Graph to minimize the phenomenon of inharmonious maneuvers in vehicle routing.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Vehicle routing with higher-order penalties

pylint workflow

This repository contains the thesis and a Jupyter notebook showcasing its results.


Autonomous driving has become a trendy topic in both academia and industry. Many ADAS systems rely on high-definition maps for navigation and localization. The creation process of HD maps is complex and often involves recording large road networks. Atlatec GmbH uses a proprietary navigation system called AtlaRoute to create optimized routes for the company’s fleet of recording vehicles.

This thesis is dedicated to the problem of optimizing routes for driver comfort by punishing inharmonious maneuvers, such as premature highway exits. The problem frequently occurs when routes are optimized exclusively for duration or distance with standard Travelling Salesperson Problem solvers.

The work proposes two approaches to solve the problem: adding lane-level topology information to the routing graph to restrict unnecessary lane changes and optimizing routes with higher-order penalties using a higher-order graph representation of the road network, which we call the X-Graph. The latter approach is novel in the field of navigation and shows promising results.


The notebook has examples of different routing problem scenarios:

  • Stuttgart
  • Highway
  • Urban
  • Mixed

Stuttgart Highway Mixed Urban

👨‍🎓Egor Spirin, Technical University of Munich, 2022