Memory dynamic pointer chain (scan/backtrack/search) tool.
ASLR causes the program memory address to always be different when you start the program. The so-called "static" addresses are addresses relative to the beginning of the program code (BinaryFile). With a static address, once you find it, you're done, because the address of the loader (BinaryFile) is easy to find. Unfortunately, not all memory of interest are "static", for these either code hack(often referred to as ASM hack) is needed or a pointer chain is needed(to find this chain is often referred to as pointer search).
It contains three tools:
for scanning pointer files. -
for dump process memory.
aarch64-linux-android (beta)
x86_64-windows (alpha)
It was only intended to solve the following two problems, but has now been extended to other platforms.
If you want to incorporate PointerSearcher-X into your application, it's very easy. Its permissive MIT-style license won't burden you. See the C API for details.
This is just for learning rust, no malicious purpose.