
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Bintray Bintray

Project developed for Epitech. It's an Esport's intranet to manage your team smartly. This project is developed in TypeScript with two stacks:

  1. Node.js for the API
  2. React for the Web Client

Getting Started

In order to make everything working, you'll have to follow some steps


Then, launch the following command in the root directory

First, clone the repository in recursive mode

git clone git@github.com:esport-hatcher/stack.git --recursive

Go into client and server folder and run yarn in both of them.

Then, in the root repository launch

docker-compose up --build

If you got some error concerning packages who are not present, you can try to run yarn again in client and server folders.


The website is available in localhost:8081

The API is available in localhost:8080

You can also access it by typing localhost:8081/api who will redirect you automatically to the API


The database is a MySQL 5.7 automatically created for you with docker

The database is available in localhost:33061 (

You can acess the database with the following credentials:

Username: root

Password: 9uOxHyH9

Running the tests

To run the tests you'll have to follow some steps.

After launching docker-compose up

You can either go in the client direcotry and type yarn test, same way for the server. It will access automatically the container and launch the tests.

You can also specify a certain path for your test suit if you don't want all the tests to be run:

yarn test /src/tests/your/super/test/suite


Follow this commands:

1. docker ps

2. Grab the ID of the API's container otherwise grab's the one from the client if you want to launch test on client

3. docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} sh

4. yarn test


Deployment is pretty straightforward. Actually we use some auto-deploy given by travis on AWS when we push on master branch. All is hosted on an elasticBeanstalk instance on the aws cloud.

Built With


Please read WORKFLOW_EH for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Amaury BREUIL - Project's leader / Administration - Amaurix
  • Lothaire NOAH - Backend Developer - SeniorMuchacho
  • Arthur GAMBLIN - Fullstack Developer - agamblin
  • Yunhan XIA - Backend Developer - yuhnanxia
  • Ludwig AMEDEE - Frontend Developer - Ludamee
  • Ludovic Porokhov - Backend Developer - HommeSombre
  • Ramzi MELLITI - Frontend Developer - Melliti

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used