Simple Content Management System done as third semester project @ Usi

Primary LanguageCSS


Authors: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito, Camillo Malnati, Riccardo Gabriele, Jacopo Fidacaro, Gianmarco Palazzi.

Ualac is a simple Content Management System done with Node, Polymer and MongoDB. It allows an user to create articles for LAC (Lugano Arte and Cultura) webpages that are readable by screen readers. The user can decide what the reader will read (three different description of the text). Other than this purpose, this repo contains also components that respect the ARIA guidelines for screen readers.
Live preview: https://nameless-coast-60325.herokuapp.com/

How to run:

you need npm and bower installed.

  1. Run npm install and bower install

  2. Start mongoDB

  3. When it's done, you should have npm_components in / and bower_components in /app

  4. Run npm start or if you have nodemon DEBUG='ualac-server' nodemon ./bin/www


We created these components and tested them using Mac VoiceOver. All the components are built in a way that a screen reader can move between the various components, descriptions and buttons in a very smooth and simple way. Using some keyboard combination, it is also possible to control the components. Every time the reader is on one of these elements, the voice will say which key to press to get the desidered behavior.

An image component that allows to add an image in the page, with the possibility to decide what to read in different descriptions. The image component is located in /app/elements/image-component
In screen reader mode:

  • Press 1 for normal description
  • Press 2 for concise description
  • Press 3 for emotional description
src= "/images/589108472327180a6c5af425/Fontaine.jpg"  <!-- insert the image path -->
 alt="image" <!-- insert the image name for the screen reader -->
 normal="normal description" <!-- insert the image full description -->
 simplified="simplified description"   <!-- insert the image concise description -->
 emotional="emotional description" <!-- insert the image emotional description -->
 text="text to speak" <!-- insert the additional text -->
style="display: block; width: 100%;"  <!-- insert image css -->

A video player to add videos in the page. Easily to control with screen reader and keyboard. The video component is located in /app/elements/video-component
a youtube can be found in the url of a video:
In screen reader mode:

  • Press p for play/pause video
  • Press m for muting/unmuting video
  • Press + to increase volume
  • Press - to decrease volume
  • Press > to go to the next 10 seconds
  • Press < to go to the previous 10 seconds
  • Press t to get the current time and total video time
videoid= "insert youtube id here" <!-- insert the youtube id here -->
autoplay= "ms delay" <!-- 0 for starting the text from the beginning -->
pauseOnAria= "false" <!-- pause video when screen reader is reading -->
style="display: block; width: 100%;" <!-- insert the video css -->

Switch View
A view with all event/artwork descriptions that it's usually displayed under the artworks/events images or videos. The switch view component is located in /app/elements/switch-view
In screen reader mode, go on the desidered description and press enter to change it.

<switch-view title='insert title here' <!-- insert the title that will be displayed -->
subtitle='insert subtitle here' <!-- insert the subtitle that will be displayed -->
normal='insert normal text here' <!-- insert the full text -->
simplified='insert simplified text here' <!-- insert the concise text -->
emotional='insert image path here'> <!-- insert the emotional text -->

Two components that can be used to create a menu that is readable by screen readers. The menu component is located in /app/elements/menu-component
The menu item is located in /app/elements/menu-item

<menu-component id="main-menu">
  <menu-item value="Info" link="http://www.luganolac.ch/it/about"></menu-item>
  <menu-item value="Visita" link="http://www.luganolac.ch/it/361/informazioni"></menu-item>
  <menu-item value="Orari" link="http://www.luganolac.ch/it/745/orari"></menu-item>
  <menu-item value="Biglietti" link="http://www.luganolac.ch/it/421/biglietteria-online"></menu-item>
  <menu-item value="Eventi" link="http://www.luganolac.ch/it/3/eventi"></menu-item>
  <menu-item value="LAC edu" link="http://www.luganolac.ch/it/597/lac-edu"></menu-item>