Pinned issues
- 3
LEDC resolution issue
#11164 opened by Vladislav-Jovanov - 0
Uninitialized variable in USB.cpp
#11162 opened by petersenm - 4
Crash during compilation on Windows if username contains accented characters (e.g. "é") – introduced in 3.1.0
#11163 opened by ericpommierfdj - 4
Zigbee Color Dimmable Light Example: wrong RGB values
#11156 opened by wf2020 - 0
ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Slave unable to handle more than 1 master
#11165 opened by faultylee - 9
ESP32 compilation error triggered by recommended by third part PSRAM type (IDFGH-14763)
#11046 opened by baruchli - 1
SD doesn't begins; There is no valid FAT volume part 2
#11142 opened by KenFellows - 2
Errors trying to compile with command interface
#11148 opened by Jim-Foo - 4
Cant compile
#11138 opened by niekie813 - 6
Revisiting WiFi Connection Speed (<200ms with static ip + bssid+ channel, 1.5-2 secs without static IP)
#11139 opened by kapyaar - 2
PM2.5 and Concentration Zigbee Endpoints for Arduino Core
#11031 opened by VAVorontsov - 24
- 24
UART splits packets on every 0xFF byte.
#11132 opened by hitecSmartHome - 6
Don't use begin() method to just change baudrate
#11121 opened by GitHubLionel - 3
arduino-esp32 is using a compromised tj-actions/changed-files GitHub action (CVE-2025-30066)
#11127 opened by eslerm - 1
Enable WiFi roaming in station mode
#11129 opened by ranma - 0
input_delay_phase not available on EMMC driver config
#11125 opened by marchingband - 11
Serial1 not working with 3.1.2 and 3.1.3
#11076 opened by ricardourio - 6
- 4
Webserver.on calls wrong Callback
#11074 opened by ams-hh - 5
Disabling Core0WDT in SPIFFS.format() might be the wrong WDT
#11033 opened by Bascy - 3
RequestHandlersImpl.h contains code implementation which makes it hard to derive a class
#11054 opened by btsimonh - 2
- 7
ADC analogReadMilliVolts incorrect result
#11041 opened by ACE1046 - 6
ESP32 LittleFS - Corrupted dir pair at {0x0, 0x1}
#10989 opened by dirkvranckaert - 3
Inconsistent ADC Readings Across ESP32-WROOM-32E Modules
#10995 opened by anuraagMIPL - 2
Partition scheme
#11026 opened by Prathameshney11 - 10
ESP32C6 Zigbee Analog example - Crash
#11044 opened by oli-the-kitty - 9
I2S failed to set up tx callback
#11004 opened by copych - 5
Poor Range of Zigbee End Device
#11072 opened by Yusuf-Tuerkyilmaz - 6
WIFI does not connect after ESP NOW communication
#11040 opened by dloyt - 0
ESP32 - Exploit found
#11073 opened by oxoocoffee - 6
- 2
Linker error 'IRAM0 segment data does not fit'
#11059 opened by matthias-bs - 0
I2S issues in v3.1.3
#11058 opened by rjsachse - 0
ledc_write max_duty bug
#11049 opened by scrtrees - 1
Light Sleep Wakeup Fails on ESP32-C6-Super Mini Board (Works on ESP32-WROOM)
#10982 opened by JinwooJungFromSouthKorea - 7
- 1
ESP32-C6 Connects to Home Assistant using ZHA but Temp[erature doesn't update
#11032 opened by def1149 - 5
Multiple issues (Wrong boot mode detected (0x13)! The chip needs to be in download mode.) Cannot upload any sketch
#11034 opened by Juli337-afk - 7
unable to open a secure HTTPClient session when MDNS.begin() has been executed
#11030 opened by multinet33 - 2
httpupdate fails when WiFi is configured
#11029 opened by AcuarioCat - 9
- 6
SD Card isn't working (IDFGH-14750)
#11020 opened by DRIFTYY777 - 8
Zigbee On/Off Switch bounds only to 1st Endpoint and Ignores Additional Endpoints on the Light Device
#11006 opened by sebastian-ionita - 14
ESP32S3 UART Communication Issue with Latest Board Manager Version3.1.3
#10990 opened by miku-gotoubun - 2
When will the arduino-esp32 V3 support Platform-espressif32?
#11002 opened by hzhh110 - 0
Support for ESP32 V3
#11003 opened by az153153 - 0
- 0
reinit Serial after USBHIDKeyboard usage
#10993 opened by SuGlider