WiFi.disconnect(true) problem
bbx10 opened this issue · 37 comments
WiFi.disconnect(true) does not erase stored SSID and password.
The connection should fail because WiFi.disconnect(true) should erase the stored SSID and password. But the connection succeeds. Two error messages also appear. See the end.
#include <WiFi.h>
void setup() {
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
void loop() {
Console output.
E (289) wifi: esp_wifi_set_config 977 wifi is not init
E (289) wifi: esp_wifi_set_config 977 wifi is not init
#include <WiFi.h>
void setup() {
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("IP Address: ");
void loop() {
@me-no-dev The commit eliminates the error messages but the SSID and password are not erased. The test program connects successfully. The same test code on ESP8266 erases SSID/password so the connection attempt fails. Some programs such as WiFiManager use WiFi.disconnect(true) in a similar way.
I know what it's supposed to do, it's strange that it does not.
you can see i the code that first bytes of ssid and pass are set to 0 (strange that I do it twice... did not notice) and that should effectively erase the old values
@me-no-dev I found WiFi.disconnect(true) erases ssid and password when it is called after connecting to the AP.
//WiFi.disconnect(true); // FAILS
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
WiFi.disconnect(true); // Erases SSID/password
OK this is a good clue!
Can you try the latest code please?
@me-no-dev Thanks, I tried the fix but the SSID and password are still present. Here is a complete program in case anyone else wants to try.
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
void setup() {
Serial.println("\nTesting WiFi.disconnect(true)");
// This should erase the SSID and password so the connection
// attempt fails. This works on ESP8266
// WiFi.begin("yourSSID", "password");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Connected: FAIL because SSID/password should have been erased.");
//WiFi.disconnect(true); // Erases SSID/password on ESP32
void loop() {
// Nothing to see here.
@me-no-dev , Sorry to comment on a closed issue, but I am not able to identify why this has been closed? The problem still exists and WiFi.disconnect(true);
still does not erase ssid & password on ESP32.
Maybe I am missing something?
The @bbx10 helpful version of wifiManager still have the same problem of not being able to clear the values. There is a comment in bbx10's wifimanager.cpp
on line 355 indicating such and references this exact issue for reference.
I would like to help fix this, but don't know how or where to start.
Thank you for taking your time to read my question.
@gjt211 @me-no-dev I found calling WiFi.disconnect(true) after a successful connection erases the SSID/password so the next connection attempt fails. But calling it before the connection attempt has no effect.
@bbx10, thank you for the info. I have been digging further into the source files and your comments appear to be the expected results. I will confirm tonight.
Just to clarify, What would happen if there is no successful connection?
As an example, say I set the SSID and password at my home (using your wifiManager
), then I power down and take it to a new location. At the new location, I am not able to connect because I need to enter the new SSID and password. I have a button I press on the ESP32 that I want to erase the previous SSID & password so it would then become an AP and allow reconfiguration.
@gjt211 When the connection fails, WiFiManager goes into softAP mode with its HTTP interface and waits for the user to enter SSID/password. An erase button is mostly useful for testing so you can force the ESP32 into a fresh-out-of-the-box mode.
in essence WiFi.disconnect sets the ssid and password to empty strings... maybe the issue is deeper into the ESP WiFi stack...
OK had a conversation with the WiFi guys and they will fix this after the Chinese national holiday (ends october 8th) :) So look for it in the middle of next month :P
@bbx10, thanks again. The fresh-out-of-box mode sounds exactly right. It is a way for a user to reset the device to 'factory defaults' which is something you would expect in a commercial product.
The problem with the "When the connection fails" is not the only consideration from my point of view. Lets say I am connected to one access point, but I want to reset the device and connect to a different access point at the same location. I would need to turn off the currently connected access point just so the softAP mode would start.
@me-no-dev, that sounds fantastic. My ESP32 based boards will be arriving about then, so fingers crossed my updated sensor hardware will do what I think they should. Does that mean this issue that has been closed should be reopened? From what it seems, the problem is not yet fixed, or have I missed something?
do as you wish but make sure you close it after it's fixed :D
Checking in to see if progress has been made here. Thanks!
Had experienced same problems. Is the fix already online?
I am currently setting up several ESP32 where I need a WiFiManager. So I have started testing tis port: https://github.com/zhouhan0126/WIFIMANAGER-ESP32
It works pretty OK. I have done two edits to make it work properly:
1. A change in WiFiAP.cpp so that the captive portal pops up automatically (it is not very user friendly to have people entering in their browser). This edit fixed it on all the devices I have tested. The problem is described here: zhouhan0126/WIFIMANAGER-ESP32#2
You simply paste these three lines from line 95 in WiFiAP.cpp:
tcpip_adapter_dns_info_t dns_info;
dns_info.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr = IPAddress(192,168,4,1);
tcpip_adapter_set_dns_info(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_AP, TCPIP_ADAPTER_DNS_MAIN, &dns_info);
2. A change in WiFiManager.cpp to make sure that the ESP32 connects automatically after the user have entered SSID and PWD. Before this change I had to reset the ESP32 after entering the credentials.
Add this at line 216:
This problem is described here: zhouhan0126/WIFIMANAGER-ESP32#1
With these two edits it seems like WIFIMANAGER-ESP32 works good. My only problem is the fact that it is impossible to delete the credentials before a connection is OK. I would very much like to be able to set up the ESP32 so that there is a "factory reset" option at startup.
Does anyone here know if there is a fix for that now?
I don't know if this helps anyone, but it is the same for these:
Serial.println( WiFi.SSID() );
Serial.println( WiFi.psk() );
They return rubbish if called before a connection is made and return what they are supposed to do if called after the connection is made.
I have make a mistake by testing. The WiFiManager work well on esp32!
@eirikso What would be your best advice at this point? I've been developing an ESP32 based solution that needs WifiManager and found this Github issue after looking around for a solution. Just stick with ESP8266 for now?
@me-no-dev, you wrote:
OK had a conversation with the WiFi guys and they will fix this after the Chinese national holiday (ends october 8th) :) So look for it in the middle of next month :P
I don't think this ever happened. Behavior is the same today using the latest version from the repository.
hi @eirikso - thanks for your feedback on using the ESP32 port of WifiManager - what board are you using? I'm using a Wemos Lolin and cant get the thing to save the credentials, it always says connection fails
@eirikso, I can not find the file WiFiAP.cpp in this repository, please could you advise where to look for it?
Can anyone help, I was connecting to WiFI via AP fine on my local WiFI network, then I moved elsewhere and managed to get a connection, but now I am unable to get my local connection to work again. I think the controller is holding onto the previous details and I need to remove them, tried using
and then commenting out wifiManager.resetSettings but this has not worked, see console output below and my code below that. Can anyone help?
G.VGQe@�B␏{ k�&@"␇�9&�A�rG6�0�*WM: settings invalidated
*WM: AutoConnect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Using last saved values, should be faster
*WM: Connection result:
*WM: 1
*WM: Configuring access point...
*WM: AutoConnectAP
*WM: AP IP address:
*WM: HTTP server started
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Handle root
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Scan done
*WM: DUP AP: Virgin Media
*WM: VM575052-2G
*WM: -37
*WM: Virgin Media
*WM: -38
*WM: BTHomeSpot-RS2
*WM: -86
*WM: VM281786-2G
*WM: -93
*WM: VM2949610
*WM: -94
*WM: Sent config page
*WM: WiFi save
*WM: Sent wifi save page
*WM: Connecting to new AP
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Connection result:
*WM: 1
*WM: Failed to connect.
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
After commenting out wifiManger.resetSetting();
�4����F�V#␏␑�T�n4"�AD$Wdd~ ���#�*WM:
*WM: AutoConnect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Using last saved values, should be faster
*WM: Connection result:
*WM: 1
*WM: Configuring access point...
*WM: AutoConnectAP
*WM: AP IP address:
*WM: HTTP server started
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Handle root
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Handle root
*WM: Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: WiFi save
*WM: Sent wifi save page
*WM: Connecting to new AP
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Connection result:
*WM: 1
*WM: Failed to connect.
My code is simply as follows running on ESP32DEV:
//Coded for ESP32 only
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h> //https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
//Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
WiFiManager wifiManager;
//reset saved settings
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
@bbx10, @me-no-dev, This issue seems to be still happening. Maybe this helps finding the root.
I can workaround to the WiFi.disconnect(true) still not forgetting the ssid/pwd, by adding this line to bbx10's test code 22-June-17 above
WiFi.disconnect(true); // still not erasing the ssid/pw. Will happily reconnect on next start
WiFi.begin("0","0"); // adding this effectively seems to erase the previous stored SSID/PW
I also use this with wifiManager and this does the trick for me to force wifiManager to go into AP mode and fresh setup. WiFiManager library the latest (tzapu) WiFiManager in latest development branch.
I linked to the core esp_wifi.h and then did an esp_wifi_set_auto_connect(false); prior to calling wifiManager and it does cause the ESP32 to skip trying to use prior credentials.
Thanks to the tip from RobbesU. I was struggling with this issue and I solved it with WiFi.begin("0","0");
Same to me, solved with WiFi.begin("0","0"); Thanks to the tip from RobbesU.
I have found the clean and best and 100% working solution for it
this will remove all previous saved credentials
if your are using wifimanager make handleReset() public to make that fuction avaliable anywhere
void WiFiManager::handleReset() {
if(server != NULL)
String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_W);
page.replace("{v}", "Info");
page += _customHeadElement;
page += F("Module will reset in a few seconds.");
page += FPSTR(HTTP_END);
server->sendHeader("Content-Length", String(page.length()));
server->send(200, "text/html", page);
DEBUG_WM(F("Sent reset page"));
#if defined(ESP8266)
it will work ...
How did this thread get hijacked to wifimanager support?
WiFi.disconnect(true, true); AFTER wifi is connected works.
After reverse-engineering the ESP32 library I found a "quick-n-dirty" way to erase the saved WiFi Credentials.
Initially, WiFi.disconnect() does not work unless, your are connected, of course, but I needed a way to erase credentials because I am using Wifimanager and since I was not connected, and needed to save a new one, old credentials messed up the AP and STA mode, hence, I needed to erase previous saved credentials.
the trick is quite simple and it was in front of my eyes the whole time.
wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); //load the flash-saved configs
esp_wifi_init(&cfg); //initiate and allocate wifi resources (does not matter if connection fails)
delay(2000); //wait a bit
Serial.println("WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init ");
Serial.println("WiFi Configurations Cleared!");
esp_restart(); //just my reset configs routine...
And that will erase the previously saved WiFi credentials.
After reverse-engineering the ESP32 library I found a "quick-n-dirty" way to erase the saved WiFi Credentials.
Initially, WiFi.disconnect() does not work unless, your are connected, of course, but I needed a way to erase credentials because I am using Wifimanager and since I was not connected, and needed to save a new one, old credentials messed up the AP and STA mode, hence, I needed to erase previous saved credentials.
the trick is quite simple and it was in front of my eyes the whole time.
wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); //load the flash-saved configs esp_wifi_init(&cfg); //initiate and allocate wifi resources (does not matter if connection fails) delay(2000); //wait a bit if(esp_wifi_restore()!=ESP_OK) { Serial.println("WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init "); }else{ Serial.println("WiFi Configurations Cleared!"); } //continue delay(1000); esp_restart(); //just my reset configs routine...
And that will erase the previously saved WiFi credentials.
Do you have the complete sketch?
wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); //load the flash-saved configs esp_wifi_init(&cfg); //initiate and allocate wifi resources (does not matter if connection fails) delay(2000); //wait a bit if(esp_wifi_restore()!=ESP_OK) { Serial.println("WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init "); }else{ Serial.println("WiFi Configurations Cleared!"); } //continue delay(1000); esp_restart(); //just my reset configs routine...
And that will erase the previously saved WiFi credentials.
Thank you! You're the man! Works like a charme.
Do you have the complete sketch?
It does work out of the box, you just need to include "esp_wifi.h".
In my example, credentials will be cleared when a blank cable ending from pin 4 ("touch") is hold with your finger on reset:
#include "esp_wifi.h"
const int touchPin = 4;
in "setup" method:
if(touchRead(touchPin) < 20) {
Serial.println("Enforced WiFi credentials clearup triggered");
} else
wifiManager.autoConnect("Setup ESP32 WiFi");
void clearWifiCredentials() { //load the flash-saved configs
wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
esp_wifi_init(&cfg); //initiate and allocate wifi resources (does not matter if connection fails)
delay(2000); //wait a bit
Serial.println("WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init ");
} else {
Serial.println("WiFi Configurations Cleared!");
esp_restart(); //just my reset configs routine...
Made my day!
**Eu encontrei a solução limpa, melhor e 100% funcional para isso **
**esp_wifi_restore (); atraso (1000); ESP.restart (); **
isto irá remover todas as credenciais salvas anteriormente
se você estiver usando wifimanager, torne handleReset () public para tornar essa função disponível em qualquer lugarvoid WiFiManager :: handleReset () {
if (servidor! = NULL)
DEBUG_WM (F ("Reset"));Página de string = FPSTR (HTTP_HEAD_W);
page.replace ("{v}", "Info");
página + = FPSTR (HTTP_SCRIPT);
página + = FPSTR (HTTP_STYLE);
page + = _customHeadElement;
página + = FPSTR (HTTP_HEAD_END);
page + = F ("O módulo será reiniciado em alguns segundos.");
página + = FPSTR (HTTP_END);server-> sendHeader ("Content-Length", String (page.length ()));
servidor-> enviar (200, "texto / html", página);DEBUG_WM (F ("Página de redefinição enviada"));
atraso (5000);
#if definido (ESP8266)
WiFi.disconnect (true);
atraso (1000);
ESP.reset ();
**esp_wifi_restore (); **
**atraso (1000); ****
**ESP.restart (); **
delay (2000);
}vai funcionar ...
Working!! Congratulations!!!