- 5
- 0
- 0
- 20
Arduino IDE support
#2 opened by Asteliks - 0
- 0
this project support esp32s3 ?
#31 opened by ChinaXing - 2
Controlling Multiple pins from single accessory
#26 opened by manvish - 8
Bluetooth support
#1 opened by langovoi - 4
New MbedTLS issue
#25 opened by nicksaintjohn - 1
Update apple ADK version
#30 opened by damiandudycz - 6
Lightbulb example is not working
#29 opened by lorenzofiamingo - 3
Set up MbedTLS
#21 opened by knarfmeister99 - 1
Error on setup
#27 opened by lorenzofiamingo - 3
- 3
error while compiling LightBulb Example
#24 opened by manvish - 10
Stops working after a while
#18 opened by g-mocken - 1
homekit adk not compiling
#23 opened by manvish - 2
Make it easier to add component to project
#22 opened by slompf18 - 3
QR code生成
#9 opened by liuqiangqrs - 5
- 6
Not lighting up even though successful execution
#16 opened by weilie91 - 5
LightDemo can't be discoverd by iphone
#19 opened by mykonica - 3
How to serve multiple accessories?
#17 opened by whymidnight - 3
Where to generate your own example?
#14 opened by kistanovdev - 9
Change device state manually
#4 opened by agtabesh - 8
mbedtls error
#3 opened by rash27 - 5
Abort() while HAPAccessoryServerStop
#11 opened by CrowdedFuzzball - 3
- 2
Sample with GPIO interrupt
#15 opened by skanico - 1
LightBulb example does not work reliably
#12 opened by baysinger - 3
<netinet/tcp.h> No such file or directory
#10 opened by Asteliks - 4
Why the project needs to config the ssid and password , then can connect the apple homekit ?
#7 opened by xuhongv