- 4
- 4
- 1
Failed to supply network to the device
#83 opened by Wuou - 2
Compatible to ESP32-C3?
#65 opened by leedashone - 1
- 6
Bluetooth connection error on iOS with ESP32 device ("Authentication is Insufficient" or "Encryption is insufficient")
#80 opened by Jucy-Dev - 3
Hi, is there Objective-C version?
#78 opened by Steven1937 - 5
- 5
- 0
Provision hangs without response
#77 opened by grasmash - 2
Connection failed
#75 opened by bpfingsten-crestron - 0
Access the Mac address of the device.
#76 opened by matteoerrera - 0
- 2
Memory leaks in ESPProvision Library
#73 opened by pklobukowski - 0
- 1
Failed to initialize session with device
#71 opened by MaksymSolomkin - 3
Failed to initialise session with the device.
#50 opened by guiqiang107 - 10
ESP32 BLE Prov app never find any wifi netowrk
#68 opened by 0x0fe - 1
Device could not be scanned. Please try again
#69 opened by H3rby7 - 16
Swift Package Manager Support
#26 opened by robkerr - 5
- 0
Updating crypto to use `CryptoKit`
#66 opened by benrudhart - 1
ESP BLE App not working on iOS
#52 opened by ncohen17 - 6
- 2
Cannot run sample project, "No such module 'ESPProvision'" Error in ConnectViewController
#57 opened by maribeee - 13
Network connection was lost when trying to reconnect to the ESP device after disconnecting
#55 opened by shushant43 - 0
- 0
Fails to provision with security scheme 0
#59 opened by reinhardbluelab - 2
Connection to device twice causes app to freeze
#51 opened by tobyloki - 3
- 1
- 3
ESP IDF custom endpoints for BLE
#53 opened by noorhaq - 1
App disconnecting after POP confirmation
#47 opened by KonssnoK - 1
- 17
ESP BLE Provisioning app is broken on iOS
#35 opened by neillowden - 7
Library is not compiling in Xcode 13
#38 opened by francofantillo - 5
- 2
Framework to build a binding library for xamarin
#32 opened by ulrickpsp - 1
- 7
The ESP BLE Prov APP from App Store stuck at "Scanning for Wi-Fi" forever in the latest version
#31 opened by rmrf1039 - 7
SoftAP example not working
#34 opened by tobyloki - 3
The network connection was lost
#37 opened by mayur1816 - 11
ESP SoftAP prov APP on appstore with version 2.0.11 can't provision aws/freertos softap esp32
#33 opened by Devyami-Apcon - 7
- 4
Inconsistent behaviour between BLE and SoftAP
#24 opened by mk-prins - 3
- 1
- 3
- 3
iOS 14 network privacy flow refinement suggestion
#27 opened by robkerr - 5
Espressif 'master' library bug
#25 opened by DavidBeduzKalpa