
small collection of high-level utility functions for functional programming

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


utility belt to help write functional javascript.

deprecation notice: funcr aimed to compensate for ES5's missing native language features to write functional javascript and provide a lighter subset to formerly monolithic lodash. ES6 brought most of those features and lodash has been split into ES6-module to imports seperately. for further reading on functional javascript, head over to Javascript Alongé.


funcr modules are written in AMD syntax with an [amdefine][2]-header to support CommonJS environments. assignments to the global exports object or per-module globals are not supported. however, the standalone builds do have an UMD-wrapper.

npm install
npx grunt
npm run gzip # for *nix systems
ls -la ./dist
minified build size
funcr.amd-0.7.0.js 4.4kb
funcr.amd-0.7.0.js.gz 1.5kb
funcr.almond-0.7.0.js 7.6kb
funcr.almond-0.7.0.js.gz 2.9kb

note: the amdefine-headers are stripped by each build using either anonymous build-pragmas (requirejs) or dead/unreachable code removal (webpack).


  • append(to, from)
  • array(length)
  • chsig(fn, ...idx)
  • compose(into, from)
  • curry(fn/ctx, ctx/fnName, ...arg)
  • debounce(fn, minDelay)
  • lift(fn [,right=false])
  • memoize(fn [,hashFn])
  • range([start=0, [step=1,]] end)
  • rest(fn [,offset=fn.length-1])
  • spread(fn [,limit])
  • thisify(fn, ctx [,arity=fn.length])
  • uncurry(fn [,argc=fn.length])