Install and configure nad, a nodejs-based monitoring agent.
More info on nad:
centos, ubuntu
Other un*xes likely; windows unlikely.
Runs the install and configure recipes.
Installs nad by downloading tarballs from .
nad doesn't have much configuration; this just sets the port, SSL options, and scripts directory.
:enable - Link a script into the config directory, enabling it (default)
:disable - Delete a link
name - Name of the script (, cpu.elf, etc) subdir - Subdirectory within nad config directory where the actual script lives; required for :enable
nad_script do subdir 'postgres' end
nad_script do action :disable end
Defaults are shown below.
:nad => {
# Cookbook Toggle
# Set to false to disable the cookbook
# (will not disable nad if running)
:enabled => true,
# Installation
# Where to store the tarball during installation
:tmp_path => '/tmp',
# URL without filename
:download_url => '',
# File to download. nad::install will find an appropriate file if possible.
:download_file => "nad-omnibus-20140630T182203Z-1.el6.x86_64.rpm",
# You can also just override the release. nad::install will find an appropriate release if possible.
:release => "20140630T182203Z"
# Daemon Config
:port => 2609,
:config_dir => '/opt/circonus/etc/node_agent.d',
# These are nil by default
# Listen on a specific interface
:ip => nil,
# Use SSL (must place na.crt and na.key in conf dir). If ssl_port is provided, :ip and :port are not used.
:ssl_port => nil,
:ssl_ip => nil,