
A package to simplify the usage of peerjs with espruino devices

Primary LanguageTypeScript

version build deployment


This package enables easy peer to peer communication between 2 devices, sending data or video between the devices.


  • Send data between 2 devices.
  • Send video between 2 devices.
  • QR code for easy phone scan connection.

On top of these features this package features a well designed interface for QR scanning.



We use unpkg to allow for CDN usage within the script tags it can be accessed like so.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@espruino-tools/peer@latest/min/main.min.js"></script>


run npm i @espruino-tools/peer in the root of your node project.

This can then be utlised by:

import { Host } from "@espruino-tools/peer";

let p = new Host();

p.connectData((data) => {