
S Ultimate Messenger

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SUM - S Ultimate Messenger

Copyright (c) 2013 Tobias Zeising, tobias.zeising@aditu.de
Licensed under the GPLv3 license
Version 0.0.4

SUM is a simple instant messenger for local networks. No server infrastructure is needed. User find each other by registering in a file which will be stored at a shared network folder.


  1. install node.js
  2. install node webkit: npm install nodewebkit -g
  3. now you can start sum with nodewebkit from command line

BUILD RELEASE (only Windows)

this has to be done only once:

  1. install InnoSetup
  2. add InnoSetup program directory to path variable
  3. install node.js
  4. install grunt: npm install -g grunt-cli

for creating a new build you have to do following:

  1. set version in README.md, index.html (title), package.json and setup.iss
  2. build sum: grunt (you can find the sum application in bin/releases/SUM/win/SUM/)
  3. build setup: grunt setup creates the setup file


You can configure SUM by changing app/config.js. You can also give a other config as command line argument:

nodewebkit ./../config_ext.js

config_ext.js content could be:

exports.extend = function(config) {
    config.username = "Karl Mustermann";
    return config;

For only setting another username just use a username as parameter:

nodewebkit KarlMustermann

Following configuration parameters are available:

  • user_file: path of the file where all users register themself
  • user_file_extended: file per user where avatar and key will be stored. # will be replaced by the md5 hash of the username
  • lock_file: path of the lock file for the user file. ensures that only one user access the user file
  • user_timeout: remove users from list after ms inactivity
  • user_list_update_intervall: update every n seconds users entry in userlist file
  • lock_stale: max age in milliseconds of lock file
  • lock_retry_minimum: retry in minimum random ms when file is locked
  • lock_retry_maximum: retry in maximum random ms when file is locked
  • room_all: name of the default room for all users
  • excluded_ips: ips which will be ignored on creating server
  • highlight_languages: supported highlight.js languages in code input selection

You can access the debugger by setting "toolbar": true in package.json


Special thanks to the great programmers of this libraries which will be used in SUM: