
The exoplanet explorer is a website project that aims to provide a 3D visualization experience along with filtering of real data of all exoplanets discovered by the Kepler mission.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a project that was started at the CUHacking hackathon. Here is the DevPost link: https://devpost.com/software/cuhacking-ct1o9n

For the exoplanet explorer project, all data used was from the open exoplanet catalogue. This data can be accessed through their github repository and browsed on their website at: http://openexoplanetcatalogue.com/

Description: Current stage: currently we are able to give the user a camera view of points representing stars(closer is bigger). This camera can be moved in any direction using a mouse. This is the view from the sun. On the side, we have provided a filter for temperature ranges of the planets (Very cold, cold, watery, hot, very hot). Clicking on one of the radio button filters will update the display to colour the relevant points. Beside the filter tab, there is another tab, displaying the total number of and the names of the relavant exoplanets. At this stage, the project is in a "proof of concept" stage. Beyond the hackathon, we aim to refine its main features: filtering (more filters) and display (allowing for zooming in).

Built with: Javascript, SQL, Python, CSS, HTML, Processing