
1. Data and Preprocessing:

We have used a subset of the landscape dataset that contains 4319 RGB images provided by kaggle from this link : It contains images with 7 different backgrounds. To work with the data we created a subset of the data with size 100 instances , split it 80 images for training and 20 images for testing. Then we fed those images into a list , resized those images to (400,400) , then normalized those sets ; As images in the data had larger sizes that were over(1024,1024) which required a very high computational power. for testing after the training process we have created another test set which contained 3 different images from the ones in the training set , and also preprocessed them.

2. Methodology :

At the beginning I have created gaussian noise with mean = 0 , and standard deviation = 1 over images , and here is an example of how they looked :


I have tried two different approaches :

  1. In the Fisrst approach I trained the autoencoder on the normalized training set , then I have tested it on noised images (external test set ) , I have tested this approach on two different convolutional autoencoders; the first one went from 16 to 8 and the second one went from 80 to 32 .
  2. In the Second approach I have separated the autoencoders into two parts (encoder and decoder) , added the noise to the encodeed images then passed it to the decoder , tested this approach on two different convolutional autoencoders one went from 16 to 8 and the other one went from 80 to 32.

3. Run :

To be able to run the model you will need to install tensorflow to be able to work with Keras Connvolution Layers , you can install it using the following command :

           ! pip install tensorflow