
dilovel php fw

Primary LanguagePHP

DILOVEL php framework

 Router::get('/', fn () => view('index'))->name('index');

 Router::auth('App\Application\Auth\Admin', 'isAuth', static function () {
     Router::get('admin', fn () =>env('REDIS_HOST'));

#continues to develop

mvc-hmvc components


login logout register all automatically also have obverse that all it can management

-view cache

u can store your view on a cache just use view_cache function


advanced php router


http request management


-pssql mysql mariadb


create a table from terminal basically

-parallel queue(multi consumer)



management user permission easily

-template engine

blade template engine extra features


swift mailing




process fork multi thread async etc

-request management

-device checks( as mobile etc)

-request validation

validation form request and other all

-flash sessions
-flash sessions errors
more ....

stay on at http://localhost

stay at localhost