
list of currencies and format given money amount according to the currency

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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ember-currencies-and-format-money is an addon that enables you format money amounts in your Ember.js application.


cd your-project-directory
ember install ember-currencies-and-format-money


You can use format-money helper in your hbs files by passing a parameter money object with attributes amount and currency. If currency is not set, then TRY is default currency.

{{format-money (hash amount=1000 currency='USD') }}

By default currency is visible. If you want to hide currency, you can set currencyHidden=true parameter.

{{format-money (hash amount=1000 currency='USD') currencyHidden=true }}

You can import formatMoneyAmountByCurrency function and use it by passing amount, currencyValue and currencyHidden parameters.

import { formatMoneyAmountByCurrency } from 'ember-currencies-and-format-money/format-amount';

let amount = 1550;
let currencyValue = 'USD';
let currencyHidden = false;
let result = formatMoneyAmountByCurrency(amount, currencyValue, currencyHidden);
console.log(result); // $15.50

Checkout live examples at ember-currencies-and-format-money demo page


This project is licensed under the MIT License.