Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS - Custom Widgets Directory
To add new widgets to the repo is really easy:
- Go to the language file(s), one or both as you prefer:
- English: /i18n/locale-en.json
- Spanish: /i18n/locale-es.json
Click the pencil icon to "Fork and Edit" the file
Add at the end of the file the information about the widget you want to add:
{ "id": <new number in the sequence>, "published": true, "name": "Widget name to be displayed", "description": "Widget description to be displayed", "demo": "<URL to a demo app if any. Ex. http://jimeno0.github.io/TableQueryWidget/>", "download": "<URL to a compressed file with the widget. Ex. https://github.com/Jimeno0/TableQueryWidget/archive/master.zip>", "info": "<URL to extended information. Ex. https://github.com/Jimeno0/TableQueryWidget>", "author": "<Author name>", "author_link": "URL for extended information about the author"
4. Save all send the pull request
### Add new languages
1. Edit the [index.html](https://github.com/esri-es/Web-AppBuilder-Custom-Widgets/blob/gh-pages/index.html)
2. Add one line of code with the language like this: ```<li ng-click="changeLanguage('en')">English</li>``` but with the new language and language-code
3. Include a file with the language code in ```/i18n``` with the same structure and same content (but translated) and the proper language code
## Questions
Please submit [an issue](https://github.com/esri-es/Web-AppBuilder-Custom-Widgets/issues) for any question you may have :)