- Description.
- Web Address.
- Usage tips.
- Features.
- Credits.
- Licenses.
- Install Command.
- Test Command.
- Contributing.
- Questions.
This application is a backend application servicing front end routes and using MySQL database with Node.Js, Express, Sequelize and dotenv.
For more information - Please visit the following videos on how the application works and some background information on the app build.
If you want to run locally preform the following:
This application is running under mysql as a local host, you can modify the .env file with your own user/password to start the application.
If you are still intersted in running the application you would need to do the following:
- run mysql terminal at project source location source db/schema.sql
- npm i
- npm run seed
- npm start
- use Insomnia (use videos and sample snapshots using Insomnia for Product model for your reference).
Part 1 - Creat, Sync and Seed - Once you open the video, re-change the quality to 1080p to make sure is not blurry.
Part 2 - Functionality - Once you open the video, re-change the quality to 1080p to make sure is not blurry.
Part 3 - Functionality #2 - Once you open the video, re-change the quality to 1080p to make sure is not blurry.
*** Functionality of one route as example: ***
Thank you Esteban Romero for working on this project.
npm i
You can sync model changes by changing force: false to true. This will also remove all data and start fresh. Once you have synced, stop the applicatio by using ctrl + c on your keyboard and change the force:true to false and restart the application.
Once the above is done, you can now use Insomnia to do the routes commands.
@ server.js line 14
// sync sequelize models to the database, then turn on the server sequelize.sync({ force: false }).then(() => { app.listen(PORT, () => console.log('Now listening')); });
Please email Esteban Romero.
Please reach out to me
GitHub Url: https://github.com/esroleo
Email address: esroleo@gmail.com