
Log to AWS S3 locations

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Naively log events to a file on S3

Gem Setup

gem install s3_log

# Gemfile
gem 's3_log'


S3Log requires an AWS access key id, AWS secret access key, and a S3 bucket (preferably created in advance) name to function. It can be configured (in a Rails initializer or what have you) like so:

  access_key_id: 'YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY ID',
  secret_access_key: 'YOUR AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY',
  bucket: 'YOUR S3 BUCKET'


Basically, logging an event is a matter of using S3Log.write to write content to a given file location on S3. The file does not have to exist prior to writing, and a write always appends to an existing file.

S3Log.write('path/to/file', 'Some content')


There is no locking in this process, and an existing file will always be read and appended rather than blindly replaced. That being the case, near-simultaneous writes are won by the most recent write, and you would do well to do one of the following to avoid data loss:

  • Ensure that only one process writes to a given file at a time
  • Use a new file path for each write (ie models/user/1/TIMESTAMP.log rather than models/user/1.log)

Formal Documentation

The actual library docs can be read over on rubydoc.


Do you use git-flow? I sure do. Please base anything you do off of the develop branch.

  1. Fork it.
  2. Perform some BDD magic. Seriously. Be testing.
  3. Submit a pull request.


MIT License. Copyright 2015 Dennis Walters