
A Ruby library for testing SMS Messages using RSpec and Cucumber.

Primary LanguageRuby

SMS Spec

An RSpec DSL and Cucumber steps to test SMS interactions with your Ruby on Rails application.

Currently this gem only supports testing SMS messageing using the twilio-ruby gem.

##Setup Add the sms-spec gem to your Gemfile:

group :test do
  gem 'sms-spec'


In your spec_helper.rb file add the following:

require 'sms_spec'

If you want to have the helpers available in all of your example groups, you can add the following to your spec_helper.rb:

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|

Otherwise you will have to incliude the helpers and matchers in any example where you use them:

describe "MyController" do
  include SmsSpec::Helpers
  include SmsSpec::Matchers


Add the folloing to you env.rb file:

require 'sms_spec'
require 'sms_spec/cucumber'

This loads the sms_spec RSpec helpers into your cucumber wold. Then, run the following to generate the text_messsage_steps.rb file:

rails generate sms_spec:steps