Students-manager-Spring-activity video_Demo
Créer une application Web basée sur Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA et Spring Security qui permet de gérer des étudiants. Chaque étudiant est défini par:
- Son id
- Son nom
- Son prénom
- Son email
- Sa date naissance
- Son genre : MASCULIN ou FEMININ
- Un attribut qui indique si il est en règle ou non L'application doit offrir les fonctionnalités suivantes :
- Chercher des étudiants par nom
- Faire la pagination
- Supprimer des étudiants en utilisant la méthode (DELETE au lieu de GET)
- Saisir et Ajouter des étudiants avec validation des formulaires
- Editer et mettre à jour des étudiants
- Créer une page template
- Sécuriser l'accès à l'application avec un système d'authentification basé sur Spring security en utilisant la stratégie UseDetails Service
- Ajouter d'autres fonctionnalités supplémentaires
public class Student {
// TODO: validations
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private Date birth;
private GENDER gender;
private boolean inRule; // an règle
# data base cofig
# dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
# ddl
# disable cash
spring.web.resources.static-locations=classpath:templates/, classpath:static/
public class Student {
// TODO: validations
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
@Size(max = 50)
private String firstName;
@Size(max = 50)
private String lastName;
private String email;
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date birth;
private GENDER gender;
private boolean inRule; // an règle
La gestion du coté base de données.
public interface StudentRepository extends JpaRepository<Student, Long> {
Page<Student> findStudentsByLastNameContainsOrFirstNameContains(String lastName, String firstName, Pageable pageable);
//Page<Student> findStudentsByLastNameOrFirstName(String keyWord, Pageable pageable);
long countByGender(GENDER gender);
long countByInRule(boolean isInRule);
public class StudentServiceImp implements StudentService{
private StudentRepository studentRepository; // injected by constructor
public Student saveNewStudent(Student student) {
if(student == null) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Student object (null)!");
public Page<Student> getStudentsList( String keyword, int pageNumber, int pageSize) {
if(keyword == null || keyword.equals(""))
return studentRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize));
return studentRepository.findStudentsByLastNameContainsOrFirstNameContains(keyword, keyword, PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize));
public Optional<Student> getStudentById(long id) {
return Optional.of(studentRepository.getById(id));
public void deleteStudent(long id) {
Optional<Student> student = getStudentById(id);
throw new RuntimeException("Can not perform action, student does not exist!");
public Student updateStudent(long id, Student student) {
Optional<Student> student1 = getStudentById(id);
throw new RuntimeException("Can not perform action, student does not exist!");
return saveNewStudent(student);
public long getCountByGender(GENDER gender){
return studentRepository.countByGender(gender);
public long getTotalNumberOfStudents(){
return studentRepository.count();
public long getCountByIsInRule(boolean isInRule){
return studentRepository.countByInRule(isInRule);
pour la gestion de la sécurité dans l'application, j'ai utliser une authentification basée sur UserDetailsService. Les entitées Role et User est la relation entre eux (ManytoMany).
public class AppUser {
private String userId;
@Column(unique = false)
private String username;
private String password;
private boolean isActive;
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
// un utilisateur peut avoir plusieurs roles
// EAGER car je souhaite avoir la listes
// des role de l'utilisateur automatiqument lorsque
// je charge l'user depuis la base de donée
// avec LAZY, la liste ne va pas etre charger que
// quand j'appele user.getAppRoleList ..
private List<AppRole> appRoleList = new ArrayList<>();
public class AppRole {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long roleId;
@Column(unique = true)
// Je doix pas avoir deux role
// avec le meme nom
private String roleName;
private String roleDescription;
la configuration de la sécurité (Les autaurisations, et la stratégie de l'autentification).
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private DataSource dataSource;
private UserDetailsServiceImp userDetailsService;
@Override // spécifier les droits d'accès
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.csrf().disable(); // ?? for delete operation
/* Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
What is the reason to disable csrf in a Spring Boot application?
You are using another token mechanism.
You want to simplify interactions between a client and the server.
More info:
More details:
// droits d'acces
.antMatchers("/resources/**" ,"/home", "/").permitAll()
.antMatchers("/resources/**", "/static/**", "/css/**", "/js/**", "/images/**", "/img/**").permitAll()
.anyRequest().authenticated(); // PROBLEM SOLVED :
http.formLogin(); // default login form
@Override // Spécifier la stratégie avec laquelle Spring Sec va
// chercher les utilisateurs authorisés
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
//web.ignoring().antMatchers("/resources/**", "/static/**", "/css/**", "/js/**", "/images/**", "/img/**");
Pour éviter le problème des dependances cycliques ou bien circulaires
j'ai ajouter la méthode qui gère le PasswordEncoder dans une classe séparée au lieu d'un @Bean à l'interieur de la classe de la configuration.
public class PasswordEncoderGenerator extends BCryptPasswordEncoder{
// executé au démarrage, et place
// l'objet retourné dans le context
// comme Spring Bean (il peut etre injecté n'import où)
private PasswordEncoder getPasswordEncoder(){
// retourner le type d'encodage
// get spring version
//System.out.println(SpringVersion.getVersion()); // 5.3.16
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
La couche service de la sécurité (l'interface et son implémentation).
public interface StudentService {
Student saveNewStudent(Student student);
Page<Student> getStudentsList(String keyword, int page, int pageSize);
Optional<Student> getStudentById(long id);
void deleteStudent(long id);
Student updateStudent(long id, Student student);
long getCountByGender(GENDER gender);
long getTotalNumberOfStudents();
long getCountByIsInRule(boolean isInRule);
public class StudentServiceImp implements StudentService{
private StudentRepository studentRepository; // injected by constructor
public Student saveNewStudent(Student student) {
if(student == null) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Student object (null)!");
public Page<Student> getStudentsList( String keyword, int pageNumber, int pageSize) {
if(keyword == null || keyword.equals(""))
return studentRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize));
return studentRepository.findStudentsByLastNameContainsOrFirstNameContains(keyword, keyword, PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize));
public Optional<Student> getStudentById(long id) {
return Optional.of(studentRepository.getById(id));
public void deleteStudent(long id) {
Optional<Student> student = getStudentById(id);
throw new RuntimeException("Can not perform action, student does not exist!");
public Student updateStudent(long id, Student student) {
Optional<Student> student1 = getStudentById(id);
throw new RuntimeException("Can not perform action, student does not exist!");
return saveNewStudent(student);
public long getCountByGender(GENDER gender){
return studentRepository.countByGender(gender);
public long getTotalNumberOfStudents(){
return studentRepository.count();
public long getCountByIsInRule(boolean isInRule){
return studentRepository.countByInRule(isInRule);
public class StudentController {
private final int MAXPAGES_INRANGE = 5;
private StudentService studentService;
//home and /
public String showHomePage(){
return "homePage";
public String handleRootPath(){
return "redirect:/home";
public String showStudentsList(Model model,
@RequestParam(name="searchKeyWord", defaultValue = "") String searchKeyWord,
@RequestParam(name="page",defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(name="size",defaultValue = "7") int size)
Page<Student> studentsPage = studentService.getStudentsList(searchKeyWord, page, size);
model.addAttribute("studentsList", studentsPage.getContent());
model.addAttribute("message", "No result found !");
model.addAttribute("searchKeyWord", searchKeyWord);
model.addAttribute("totalElements", studentsPage.getTotalElements());
model.addAttribute("totalPages", studentsPage.getTotalPages());
model.addAttribute("currentPage", page);
model.addAttribute("pages", new int[studentsPage.getTotalPages()]);
// TODO: getting the number of males, females and inRules, and send them.
// TODO: on click on the cards, should return the list.
long totalNumberOfStudents = studentService.getTotalNumberOfStudents();
long numberOfMales = studentService.getCountByGender(GENDER.MALE);
long numberOfFemales = studentService.getCountByGender(GENDER.FEMALE);;
long inRuleNumber = studentService.getCountByIsInRule(true);
model.addAttribute("totalNumberOfStudents", totalNumberOfStudents);
model.addAttribute("numberOfMales", numberOfMales);
model.addAttribute("numberOfFemales", numberOfFemales);
model.addAttribute("inRuleNumber", inRuleNumber);
int [] pages10 = fillPagesArray(page, studentsPage.getTotalPages()); // currentPage
// send an array of 10 elements (pages)
model.addAttribute("pages10", pages10);
// the attribute will be accessible from the view
return "student/studentsList";
private int[] fillPagesArray(int currentPage, int numberOfPages){
returns an array, filled with the numbers of pages.
in every call, it returns a list of numbers that contain the currentPage
ex : currentPage is 9 so it is included in the group 2 because the groupe 1 contains (0-4), g2 (5-10)
so the array starts from 5 and ends at 10
// page10Range = (int) currentPage / 10, so I can know with what to fill my array
int page10Range = (int) (currentPage / MAXPAGES_INRANGE); // find the group of the currentPage
// init array to be in the size of 5 if the number of pages greater than 5, if not keep it as the number of page
//int page10Size = numberOfPages / MAXPAGES_INRANGE >= 1 ? MAXPAGES_INRANGE : numberOfPages;
int page10Size = (numberOfPages - (MAXPAGES_INRANGE * page10Range)) / MAXPAGES_INRANGE >= 1 ? MAXPAGES_INRANGE : (numberOfPages - (MAXPAGES_INRANGE * page10Range)) % MAXPAGES_INRANGE;
int [] page10= new int[page10Size];
for (int i= 0; i < page10.length; i++){
if(((MAXPAGES_INRANGE * page10Range ) + i) >= numberOfPages ){
page10[i] = (MAXPAGES_INRANGE * page10Range ) + i;
//if(currentPage >= numberOfPages) page10[i]=i;
return page10;
public String showAddStudent(Model model){
// thymeleaf will access this empty object for binding from data ?
Student student = new Student();
model.addAttribute("studentObject", student);
return "student/addNewStudent";
@PostMapping("/admin/saveNewStudent") // hey you! if a post request this url, call the folloming function
public String
saveNewStudent(@ModelAttribute("studentObject") @Valid Student student,
BindingResult bindingResult,
//@RequestParam(name = "gender")String gender,
@RequestParam(name = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(name = "size", defaultValue = "5") int size,
@RequestParam(name = "searchKeyWord", defaultValue = "")
String searchKeyWord
return saveStudent(student, bindingResult ,page, size, searchKeyWord, "student/addNewStudent");
@GetMapping("/admin/showEditStudent/{id}")// show the view
public String showEditStudent(@PathVariable(value = "id")Long id,
Model model,
@RequestParam(name = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(name = "size", defaultValue = "5") int size,
@RequestParam(name = "searchKeyWord", defaultValue = "") String searchKeyWord){
//get Student from DB
Optional<Student> student = studentService.getStudentById(id);
if(student.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Student with id: "+id+", not found !");
// send it to the view
model.addAttribute("studentObject", student.get());
model.addAttribute("searchKeyWord", searchKeyWord);
model.addAttribute("currentPage", page);
model.addAttribute("pageSize", size);
return "student/editStudent";
public String saveEditedStudent(@ModelAttribute("studentObject") @Valid Student student,
BindingResult bindingResult,
@RequestParam(name = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(name = "size", defaultValue = "5") int size,
@RequestParam(name = "searchKeyWord", defaultValue = "")
String searchKeyWord){
return saveStudent(student, bindingResult,page, size, searchKeyWord, "student/editStudent");
private String saveStudent(Student student,
BindingResult bindingResult,
int page,
int size,
String searchKeyWord,
String ifErrorRedirectTo) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return ifErrorRedirectTo; // redirect to form to show errors
} else {
// send a success message
//model.addAttribute("StudentSuccessInsertionMsg", "Student inserted successfully");
return "redirect:/user/students?page=" + page + "&size=" + size + "&searchKeyWord=" + searchKeyWord;
public String deleteStudent(@PathVariable("id")Long id,
@RequestParam(name = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(name = "size", defaultValue = "5") int size,
@RequestParam(name = "searchKeyWord", defaultValue = "") String searchKeyWord){
System.out.println("from delete: "+ id);
return "redirect:/user/students?page="+page+"&size="+size+"&searchKeyWord="+(searchKeyWord == null ? "" : searchKeyWord);