- Event Sourcing
- Dependencies
- Properties
- creating the Commands & Events
- Credit an account
- Debit an account
- Query Entities
- Query Repositories
- Query Services
- Queries
- QueyHandler in the Service
- Query Controllers
- Testing our Query controller
- A micro-services architecture based on CQRS and event Sourcing with Spring Cloud and AXON.
Create an application that allows for managing accounts in accordance with the CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns using the AXON and Spring Boot frameworks
Micro-services : An Architecture where we separate our application to many micro-application, with independents databases ...
We are using Spring Claoud framework for that.
This architecture uses some technical tools or (Micro-services):
- Gate way
- Discovery Service
- Config Server..
The communication between the Micro-services can be synchronouse or Asynchronouse.
- Synchronouse with Rest | Spring Cloud , OpenFeign | JRPC
- Piple line of communication => Communication bloquante, affect the performance
- The communication depends on the other micro-services connection.
- In case of horisontal scalability, and we added an instance of a service, the two should be have a synchronized databases??
- ==> So we will need to use Event Bus and Brokers.
- As a solution some architecte may choose to centralize the data in a single database, but that is not recommanded, as we have other solutions
- Asynchronouse : All the commnunications in the architecture will use the Event Bus
- It is an event driven architecture.
- A microservice Subscribes in the Event Bus, and if there is a change happened in the other microservice, it will publish it, so the first can handle it with out explicite communication between them using Rest.
- We can talk about Event bus like a Telegram channel, where we subscribe and if there is a message (event), we can use it then (Act).
- It is a Pattern architecture (Strategic) [The others are called tactic ex. Adapter, Sigleton ...].
- Used to implement this kind of Architecture (Even driven arch).
- In the implementation we use actually 2 famous patterns (CQRS & Event Sourcing).
- Role: 🔥 Track all changes in the state of an application as a sequence of events [Event Store].
- The objective is to do not focus on the current state of the application, but on the sequence of state changes (business events) that led to the current state.
- From this sequence of events, we can aggregate the current state of the application.
- Every change in the state of the application has a unique cause (event).
- For example: operations performed on a bank account (CREATED, ACTIVATED, CREDITED, DEBITED ...).
- All the events are stored in a single database table, it is 🔥 Event store.
- This gives us the possiblity to return to an exact state and the history of our app.
- Its privide an Audit base (Database).
- Analysis and Debug: Easily find the source of production bugs.
- Data recovery: In case of a failure (Panne), replay all recorded business events to find the state of the application.
- Performance: Asynchronous with message buses that scale well.
- From the events, we can create multiple projections with different data models.
- External solitation (Request, Demmad) to the system.
- Changes the system (Creat, Update, Delete ...).
- Each command arrives => invokes (déclenche) a Decison function (Fonction de décision) which is the Business logic [
Command Handler
=> Command listener].
- It is the businness logic 🔥
- Invoked when a command accures
- It is
Command Handler
which means it is a command listener. - (Actual state, Command) => List[Event]
- This list of events will be stored to the
Event Store
- The fact that they were produced in the recent past (ex. AccountCreatedEvent)
- They are Immutable : can not be changed or modified (It is past...No stters allowed)
- The are auto Descriptive : We do not have to go to other to understand its functionnality.
- Database that stores all the events emmited by the decision function.
- It is the
EventSourcing handler
- It listens on the Events (Event Listener).
- Here where update the state of the application (with the new state arrived with the event).
- No business logic here 🔥
- (Actual State, Event ) => new State
- It is an internal Command
- Acommand produced by the Application
- If for example the decision is done in multiple stapes [Create account + Activate account].
- Publish events to partner apps =>
Event Published to a Topic
. - Data that records all events emitted by the decision function.
------------------------------------------------ :X: ------------------------------------------------
- CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation.
- Pattern that consists in separating the reading part from the writing part of the application
The change that CQRS introduces is to split that conceptual model into separate models for update and display, which it refers to as Command and Query respectively following the vocabulary of CommandQuerySeparation. The rationale is that for many problems, particularly in more complicated domains, having the same conceptual model for commands and queries leads to a more complex model that does neither well.
- An external intention to modify the state of an object (Insert, update, delete)
- An intention to consult information or the state of an object (Select)
- Symbolizes an action that has occurred in the system
- A mechanism that dispatches events to event listeners (Event Handlers)
- Can be any messaging system such as KAFKA or RabbitMQ
- Persistence database for events published in the application.
- • It is easy to aggregate data from multiple microservices
- • Scaling (Scale) separately for the two parts: Reading (90%) and Writing (10%)
- • Freedom to choose different database types for writing and reading
- PostgreSql for Event Store
- MySQL for readings
- ElasticSerach for the search engine
- • Facilitate the separation of reading and writing aspects
- • Facilitate the separation of the two models for reading and writing
- • Amplifies the complexity of the system
- • Code duplication:
- Think about creating Core-Libraries for shared code.
- Consistency constraints between the reading and writing databases
- Axon framework : https://docs.axoniq.io/reference-guide/v/4.0/
Axon Framework is designed to support developers in applying the CQRS/DDD architectural pattern and Event Sourcing. It helps developers build easily scalable and maintainable applications by providing implementations of some basic building blocks, such as Aggregates, repositories, and event buses. Axon Framework, founded by Allard Buijze also working for Trifork, is an open source product.
- More info ?%20and%20Event%2DDriven%20Architecture.)
- In this practical part we will create an application to manage accounts based on Event Sourcing and CQRS patterns using Axon framework.
- Axon framework dependency
<!-- axon framework -->
- Why
Since Maven resolves dependencies transitively, it is possible for unwanted dependencies to be included in your project's classpath. For example, a certain older jar may have security issues or be incompatible with the Java version you're using. To address this, Maven allows you to exclude specific dependencies. Exclusions are set on a specific dependency in your POM, and are targeted at a specific groupId and artifactId. When you build your project, that artifact will not be added to your project's classpath by way of the dependency in which the exclusion was declared.
In this case we do not want
, by default we will use inMemory Axon server, we will not use a broker in this test or a server, that is why we excluded the server_connector. -
So our application will not search for a server to connect. it will use inMemory connection Bus.
Axon arrives with a buitin broker.
spring.application.name= account-service
server.port= 8081
spring.datasource.url= jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}:${MYSQL_PORT:3306}/accounts?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect= org.hibernate.dialect.MariaDBDialect
- We used
variables likeMYSQL_HOST
to make it easear for us to inject them in theDocker compose
file. - In this case spring well use the variable value if it is defined, and the default value
if not.
- The events and commands are common between all the app micro-services.
- So as they are common, we can create them in a separated module. to be used from anywhere.
- In this case will not do that, we will just use packages because we have 1 micro-service.
Hold the functional need of the application (Besoin fonctionel).
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.commands;
public abstract class BaseCommand<IDType> {
// the command ID is the identifier that will be used in the
// Aggregate
@Getter // because the commands are immutable objects
// So we will not have the setters
// Just a constructor for initializing
private IDType id;
public BaseCommand(IDType id) {
this.id = id;
- CreateAccountCommand
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.commands;
public class CreateAccountCommand extends BaseCommand<String>{
private double initialBalance;
private String currency;
public CreateAccountCommand(String id, double initialBalance, String currency) {
this.initialBalance = initialBalance;
this.currency = currency;
- DebitAccountCommand
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.commands;
public class DebitAccountCommand extends BaseCommand<String>{
private double amount;
private String currency;
public DebitAccountCommand(String id, double amount, String currency) {
this.amount = amount;
this.currency = currency;
- CreditAccountCommand
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.commands;
public class CreditAccountCommand extends BaseCommand<String>{
private double amount;
private String currency;
public CreditAccountCommand(String id, double amount, String currency) {
this.amount = amount;
this.currency = currency;
- Commands and query, should have Controllers both.
- So we will have controllers for the reading part (Query), and others for writing (Commands).
- AccountCommandController
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.controllers;
// ...
@RequestMapping(path = "/commands/account")
public class AccountCommandController {
private CommandGateway commandGateway;
public CompletableFuture<String> createAccount(@RequestBody CreatAccountRequestDTO request){
CompletableFuture<String> createAccountCommandResponse = commandGateway.send(new CreateAccountCommand(
return createAccountCommandResponse;
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.dtos;
// ...
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor
public class CreatAccountRequestDTO {
private double initialBalance;
private String currency;
Run our App
Parameter 0 of constructor in me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.controllers.AccountCommandController required a bean of type 'org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway.CommandGateway' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway.CommandGateway' in your configuration.
Process finished with exit code 1
If There anther exception, check if it is related to the versions compatibility between
. -
Solution: 🔥 adding
(public default constructor) with@AllArgsConstructor
in top of the class. ❌Will discover that it is just a temporary solution that produces another problem -> NullPointerException❌ -
Result: an empty database
Expected: have Axon related tables in the DB.
Problem: Axon Framework doesn't work with Spring Boot 3 yet.
Solution: use
Spring 2.7.6
withAxon 4.6.2
Here my DB
POST /commands/account/create HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 61
"initialBalance": 1500.2,
"currency" : "MAD"
- Response
HTTP/1.1 500
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 22:34:27 GMT
Connection: close
"timestamp": "2022-12-19T22:34:27.121+00:00",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"path": "/commands/account/create"
- Exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway.CommandGateway.send(Object)" because "this.commandGateway" is null
The problem is that we do not have a handler :
No handler was subscribed to command ... CreateAcountCommand
. -
To get thing more clear we will add an exceptionHandler method to our Controller.
public ResponseEntity<String> exceptionHandler(Exception exception){
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<>(
exception.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
return responseEntity;
- 🔥 In fact the last Exception it was because I used the
(public default constructor). - Now after removing it :
adding `@NoArgsConstructor` (public default constructor)
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events;
public abstract class BaseEvent<EventId> {
private EventId id;
public BaseEvent(EventId id){
this.id = id;
- AccountCreatedEvent
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events;
public class AccountCreatedEvent extends BaseEvent<String>{
private double initialBalance;
private String currency;
public AccountCreatedEvent(String id, double initialBalance, String currency) {
this.initialBalance = initialBalance;
this.currency = currency;
- In the Aggregate where we put our Business code.
- In the Aggregate we will create the CommandHandler.
- It is the status of our Object
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.commands.aggregates;
//@NoArgsConstructor // Important
public class AccountAggregate {
private String accountId; // identifies the aggregation
// This id will be mapped to the TargetAggregateIdentifier in the baseCommand
private double balance;
private String currency;
private AccountStatus status;
public AccountAggregate(){
// Required by Axon
@CommandHandler // Subscribe to Command Bus, and listen to the CreateAccountCommand events
public AccountAggregate(CreateAccountCommand createAccountCommand){
// Business logic
if(createAccountCommand.getInitialBalance() < 0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Initial Balance | Negative");
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new AccountCreatedEvent(
// Command to event
public void on(AccountCreatedEvent accountCreatedEvent){
// The Aggregate is the Object Status
this.accountId = accountCreatedEvent.getId();
this.balance = accountCreatedEvent.getInitialBalance();
this.currency = accountCreatedEvent.getCurrency();
this.status = AccountStatus.CREATED;
POST /commands/account/create HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 61
"initialBalance": 1500.2,
"currency" : "MAD"
- Response
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 36
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 23:56:00 GMT
Connection: close
- Account Created .
- We can see the 2 events in the
Event store
which is thedomain_event_entry
in the DB.
- It stors the the event content in the
colomuns on Binary format (BLOB). - We can show the data as
via clicking on the row and the XML file starts being downloaded. - Here is the Paload content file : file
<id class="string">98862efc-d9c0-41bf-927b-8bec96f7d175</id>
- It is the event content.
- By default it saved by axon on XML format but we can choose to be JSON if we want.
- Here is the controller
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.commands.controllers;
@RequestMapping(path = "/commands/account")
@AllArgsConstructor // for injection
public class AccountCommandController {
private CommandGateway commandGateway;
private EventStore eventStore;
public CompletableFuture<String> createAccount(@RequestBody CreatAccountRequestDTO request){
CompletableFuture<String> createAccountCommandResponse = commandGateway.send(new CreateAccountCommand(
return createAccountCommandResponse;
public ResponseEntity<String> exceptionHandler(Exception exception){
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<>(
exception.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
return responseEntity;
private EventStore eventStore;
public Stream eventStore(@PathVariable String account_id){
return eventStore.readEvents(account_id).asStream();
- Testing it: with the id of the account we have created
GET /commands/account/eventStore/98862efc-d9c0-41bf-927b-8bec96f7d175 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
- Response
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 04:39:32 GMT
Connection: close
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "98862efc-d9c0-41bf-927b-8bec96f7d175",
"sequenceNumber": 0,
"timestamp": "2022-12-19T23:55:34.698Z",
"identifier": "59003f30-ecdb-4199-be49-d127573d3592",
"payload": {
"id": "98862efc-d9c0-41bf-927b-8bec96f7d175",
"initialBalance": 1500.2,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountCreatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "94ecc849-aa3c-4310-ab19-200a478326d4",
"correlationId": "94ecc849-aa3c-4310-ab19-200a478326d4"
- We have created CreateAccount Event let's create
Activate Account Event
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events;
public class AccountActivatedEvent extends BaseEvent<String> {
private AccountStatus accountStatus;
public AccountActivatedEvent(String s, AccountStatus accountStatus) {
this.accountStatus = accountStatus;
In the
(``) we add the event, after the account creation. -
How the aggregate becomes
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.commands.aggregates;
//@NoArgsConstructor // Important
public class AccountAggregate {
private String accountId; // identifies the aggregation
// This id will be mapped to the TargetAggregateIdentifier in the baseCommand
private double balance;
private String currency;
private AccountStatus status;
public AccountAggregate(){
// Required by Axon
@CommandHandler // Subscribe to Command Bus, and listen to the CreateAccountCommand events
public AccountAggregate(CreateAccountCommand createAccountCommand){
// Business logic
if(createAccountCommand.getInitialBalance() < 0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Initial Balance | Negative");
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new AccountCreatedEvent(
// Command to event
public void on(AccountCreatedEvent accountCreatedEvent){
// The Aggregate is the Object Status
this.accountId = accountCreatedEvent.getId();
this.balance = accountCreatedEvent.getInitialBalance();
this.currency = accountCreatedEvent.getCurrency();
this.status = AccountStatus.CREATED;
// here we added the AccountActivatedEvent event
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new AccountActivatedEvent(accountCreatedEvent.getId(), AccountStatus.ACTIVATED));
// create an on() function for our event
// Here we added the event sourcing handler for the event where we change the aggregate status
@EventSourcingHandler // Changing the aggregate status
public void on(AccountActivatedEvent accountActivatedEvent){
this.status = accountActivatedEvent.getAccountStatus();
- Testing this
- We create a new account now, and consult its event store => 2 events
GET /commands/account/eventStore/b6541e22-9307-4005-86da-cde22d2c583e HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
- Response
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 04:54:48 GMT
Connection: close
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "b6541e22-9307-4005-86da-cde22d2c583e",
"sequenceNumber": 0,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T04:54:16.720Z",
"identifier": "109c98c9-f437-42dd-b1d3-fff20b4fbcdd",
"payload": {
"id": "b6541e22-9307-4005-86da-cde22d2c583e",
"initialBalance": 56200.2,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountCreatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "b289bb24-5741-4eac-a386-9fd778b24303",
"correlationId": "b289bb24-5741-4eac-a386-9fd778b24303"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "b6541e22-9307-4005-86da-cde22d2c583e",
"sequenceNumber": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T04:54:16.724Z",
"identifier": "1064c497-9111-4726-84eb-3288128f0c77",
"payload": {
"id": "b6541e22-9307-4005-86da-cde22d2c583e",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountActivatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "b289bb24-5741-4eac-a386-9fd778b24303",
"correlationId": "b289bb24-5741-4eac-a386-9fd778b24303"
- That's all about the
part, still theUI
- Create the Command (
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.commands;
public class CreditAccountCommand extends BaseCommand<String>{
private double amount;
private String currency;
public CreditAccountCommand(String id, double amount, String currency) {
this.amount = amount;
this.currency = currency;
- Create the event (
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events;
public class AccountCreditedEvent extends BaseEvent<String>{
private double amount;
private double currency;
public AccountCreditedEvent(String s, double amount, double currency) {
this.amount = amount;
this.currency = currency;
- Adding the methods that triggers (calls | déclancher) the Command|event in the controller
- We will use a
because we will update account status ...
public CompletableFuture<String> creditAccount(@RequestBody CreditAccountRequestDTO creditAccountRequestDTO){
CompletableFuture<String> creditAccountCommandResponse = commandGateway.send(new CreditAccountCommand(
return creditAccountCommandResponse;
- Creating the DTO needed for that
- To do a credit we need the account ID
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.dtos;
public class CreditAccountRequestDTO {
private String accountId;
private double amount;
private String currency;
- Creating the Aggregate CommandHandler =>
Decision function
- It is a handler for the command (A listener).
- We will handle the command in our same Aggregate (
@CommandHandler // when the command will be sent to the Commands bus, this method will be invoked
public void handle(CreditAccountCommand creditAccountCommand){
// business logic
if(creditAccountCommand.getAmount() <= 100) throw new InsufficientCreditAmount("Credit Amount can not be lower than 100.");
// Business logic is fine ? SO
// immetre un événement
// immit an event
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new AccountCreditdEvent(
Now we should update the application state, (Apply the event)
Creating the Aggregate EventSourcingHandler =>
Evolution function
public void on(AccountCreditedEvent accountCreditedEvent){
this.balance += accountCreditedEvent.getAmount();
- Do not forget to handle Exceptions
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.exceptions;
public class InsufficientCreditAmount extends RuntimeException {
public InsufficientCreditAmount(String message) {
- Testing
PUT /commands/account/credit HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 114
"accountId": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"amount": 480,
"currency" : "MAD"
- Response (Amount < 100)
HTTP/1.1 500
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 40
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 05:59:36 GMT
Connection: close
Credit Amount can not be lower than 100.
- Response (Amount > 100)
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 06:00:48 GMT
Connection: close
- Result
Visiting Pyload: `http://localhost:8081/commands/account/eventStore/ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5` result
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"sequenceNumber": 0,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T05:58:09.017Z",
"identifier": "4f3679fa-f5be-405c-8022-0811898f1387",
"payload": {
"id": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"initialBalance": 8000.2,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountCreatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "d29c0be6-cdcf-481c-8873-1487f2e7acfd",
"correlationId": "d29c0be6-cdcf-481c-8873-1487f2e7acfd"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"sequenceNumber": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T05:58:09.018Z",
"identifier": "7ae4a798-fa10-4037-8ebc-09ab7b1a1465",
"payload": {
"id": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountActivatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "d29c0be6-cdcf-481c-8873-1487f2e7acfd",
"correlationId": "d29c0be6-cdcf-481c-8873-1487f2e7acfd"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"sequenceNumber": 2,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T05:59:12.589Z",
"identifier": "af894739-9812-424a-ab72-12780d01613c",
"payload": {
"id": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"initialBalance": 520.0,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountCreatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "0719b1ba-1430-4e10-a3e3-842ffc19b8b4",
"correlationId": "0719b1ba-1430-4e10-a3e3-842ffc19b8b4"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"sequenceNumber": 3,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T05:59:12.589Z",
"identifier": "103060bd-e4d3-4d2a-bab2-6f82193ec52a",
"payload": {
"id": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountActivatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "0719b1ba-1430-4e10-a3e3-842ffc19b8b4",
"correlationId": "0719b1ba-1430-4e10-a3e3-842ffc19b8b4"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"sequenceNumber": 4,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T06:00:48.864Z",
"identifier": "a9529b1f-854a-458a-b4bc-adeee804a04e",
"payload": {
"id": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"initialBalance": 480.0,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountCreatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "2fbaf0bd-ed20-46bb-adb9-6b43bffcff9b",
"correlationId": "2fbaf0bd-ed20-46bb-adb9-6b43bffcff9b"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"sequenceNumber": 5,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T06:00:48.864Z",
"identifier": "d18d0eb1-0782-4046-b25e-d98ca9e0c482",
"payload": {
"id": "ff75f615-21f8-4401-ba22-6234db93e2c5",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountActivatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "2fbaf0bd-ed20-46bb-adb9-6b43bffcff9b",
"correlationId": "2fbaf0bd-ed20-46bb-adb9-6b43bffcff9b"
- *> In the same process
- Create the Command (
) - Event
- Controller method + RequestDTO (if needed)
- Aggregate Command Handler
- Aggregate Event Sourcing Handler
- Testing
PUT /commands/account/debit HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 114
"accountId": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"amount": 200.5,
"currency" : "MAD"
- Response (amount < 0 )
HTTP/1.1 500
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 24
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 07:40:23 GMT
Connection: close
Amount can't be negative
- Response (amount > balance)
HTTP/1.1 500
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 45
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 07:42:56 GMT
Connection: close
Amount must be lower than the balance (520.0)
- Result ( amount < balance)
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 07:43:54 GMT
Connection: close
- Event store details
Toggle to see JSON Result
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"sequenceNumber": 0,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T07:39:35.654Z",
"identifier": "75ec3b0d-0732-4c66-be1f-dfa34b4992a7",
"payload": {
"id": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"initialBalance": 520.0,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountCreatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "4a712fd4-4021-420e-888f-41360cae1523",
"correlationId": "4a712fd4-4021-420e-888f-41360cae1523"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"sequenceNumber": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T07:39:35.660Z",
"identifier": "842e9e65-1129-451e-82ae-7a5d5e702a40",
"payload": {
"id": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountActivatedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "4a712fd4-4021-420e-888f-41360cae1523",
"correlationId": "4a712fd4-4021-420e-888f-41360cae1523"
"type": "AccountAggregate",
"aggregateIdentifier": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"sequenceNumber": 2,
"timestamp": "2022-12-23T07:43:54.563Z",
"identifier": "b411950f-bf50-4382-a55d-f8b330f2b84d",
"payload": {
"id": "a9e3557a-847e-4c9b-a40d-5b8c329e6777",
"amount": 200.5,
"currency": "MAD"
"payloadType": "me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.events.AccountDebitedEvent",
"metaData": {
"traceId": "8b84e8bd-5d81-4516-a694-c0571c0b6345",
"correlationId": "8b84e8bd-5d81-4516-a694-c0571c0b6345"
- Now we finished the command part and we will dive into the reading part.
- And here is its process
- Creating the model (Reading model | modèl de lecture)=> [Account , Operation] JPA entities.
- Operation
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.query.entities;
@Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor
public class Operation {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Date date;
private double amount;
private OperationType type;
@JoinColumn(name = "account_id")
private Account account;
- Account
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.query.entities;
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor
public class Account {
private String id;
private String currency;
private double balance;
private AccountStatus accountStatus;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "account")
private Collection<Operation> operations;
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.query.repositories;
public interface OperationRepository extends JpaRepository<Operation, Long> {
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.query.repositories;
public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, String> {
Here where we will manage our entites not via a controller but via the events.
There we can listen on events for example
and create an Account entity in the Database. -
The service
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.query.services;
@Slf4j // lombok logging
public class AccountServiceHandler {
private AccountRepository accountRepository;
private OperationRepository operationRepository;
@EventHandler // @Event Sourcing handler is for Aggregate
public void on(AccountCreatedEvent accountCreatedEvent){
log.info("Event Received: **| AccountCreatedEvent |** ");
Account account = Account
Account savedAccount = accountRepository.save(account);
log.info(String.format("New Account Created [ID: %s]", savedAccount.getId()));
Testing: run the application
Problem : (Java 17)
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: No converter available ---- Debugging information ---- message : No converter available type : java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableNavigableSet$EmptyNavigableSet converter : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter message[1] : Unable to make field private static final long java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @9225652 -------------------------------
More info : https://docs.axoniq.io/reference-guide/axon-framework/serialization#serializer-implementations
🔥Temporary Solution: using Java 11 instead
Note that there is a lot of version compatibility issues to deal with (JDK, Axon, Spring).
INFO 5172 --- [ery.services]-0] m.e.a.q.services.AccountServiceHandler : Event Received: **| AccountCreatedEvent |**
INFO 5172 --- [ery.services]-0] m.e.a.q.services.AccountServiceHandler : New Account Created [ID: cafbec74-5c93-45ce-b71e-4f0494bce20f]
- Here we can see that, the service has receied the only event
stored in the database :
- And Here is our Account created in the database;
- In the database Axon has a table
, where it stores the tracking tokens. - Tracking Event Processor uses a Tracking Token to keep track of events that have been processed.
A Tracking Token represents the position of an event in the event stream. Different Event Store implementations may use different implementations of the Tracking Token to represent this position reliably. To continue event processing after the process restarts (we’ll see later that this is not the only reason), Tracking Token is stored in a Token Store
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.queries;
public class GetAllAccountsQuery {
public List<Account> on(GetAllAccountsQuery getAllAccountQuery){
return accountRepository.findAll();
- We should first create the common Queries objects
- In the cotrollers we will invoke the queries
- And in the service we will listen on them ... via
- The queryHandler interacts with the repository to retrun the result.
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.query.controllers;
public class AccountQueryController {
private QueryGateway queryGateway;
public List<Account> getAllAccounts(){
List<Account> response = queryGateway.query(new GetAllAccountsQuery(), ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(Account.class)).join();
// that means
return response;
- 🔥 We should use the best practices [DTOs, ...]
- Visiting: http://localhost:8081/query/accounts/
- Result
"id": "0fdc2ea1-ce65-464b-858e-d22aa415dac2",
"currency": "MAD",
"balance": 12000.0,
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"id": "43ce2b7e-176f-462b-aecd-9656a0c6b979",
"currency": "MAD",
"balance": 562135.0,
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
"id": "f2346a27-18cd-4b66-aaff-6b7c9c217913",
"currency": "MAD",
"balance": 12000.0,
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"
- Create the Query class :
package me.elaamiri.accountcqrseventsourcing.common_api.queries;
public class GetAccountQuery {
private String accountId;
public GetAccountQuery(String accountId) {
this.accountId = accountId;
- Create the Queryhandler in the Service
public Account on(GetAccountQuery getAccountQuery){
return accountRepository.findById(getAccountQuery.getAccountId()).get();
- Create the controller method in the query conroller
public Account consultAccount(@PathVariable String id){
Account account = queryGateway.query(new GetAccountQuery(id), ResponseTypes.instanceOf(Account.class)).join();
return account;
- Now visiting:
- Results :
"id": "b2567005-7346-430c-a83a-e7fe4353e372",
"currency": "MAD",
"balance": 3000.0,
"accountStatus": "ACTIVATED"