
Schedules Direct JSON and XMLTV Python API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Schedules Direct JSON and XMLTV Python API

Call Schedules Direct JSON API and convert the retrieved schedules and programs to an XMLTV EPG file.

See the code and the Schedules Direct API documentation for a list of API calls.

There is a launchd.plist that creates a new XMLTV EPG file every week, and loads it into EyeTV.


Command line:

./sd_json.py -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD_SHA1 -l LINEUP

This creates the file xmltv.xml.

Python API:

from sd_json import SD_JSON

sd = SD_JSON(api_call="xmltv")

Help string:

sd_json.py --help
usage: sd_json.py [-h] [-U SD_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD_SHA1]
                  [-c COUNTRY] [-z POSTALCODE] [-l LINEUP] [-H HEADERS] [-M]
                  [-T TIMEDELTA_DAYS] [-q] [-v] [-g] [-A API_CALL]
                  [-S SERVICE] [-X XMLTV_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -U SD_URL, --sd-url SD_URL
                        Schedules Direct URL (no trailing '/')
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Schedules Direct username
  -p PASSWORD_SHA1, --password-sha1 PASSWORD_SHA1
                        Schedules Direct SHA1-hashed password
  -c COUNTRY, --country COUNTRY
                        3-character country code
  -z POSTALCODE, --postalcode POSTALCODE
                        Postal Code
  -l LINEUP, --lineup LINEUP
                        Lineup Code
  -H HEADERS, --headers HEADERS
                        HTTP Headers
  -M, --verboseMap      verboseMap off
                        Number of days retrieved
  -q, --quiet           Quiet on
  -v, --verbose         Verbose on
  -g, --debug           Debug on
  -A API_CALL, --api-call API_CALL
                        Schedules Direct API Call
  -S SERVICE, --service SERVICE
                        Schedules Direct Service name
  -X XMLTV_FILE, --xmltv-file XMLTV_FILE
                        XMLtv file name

Dependencies / Configuration / Install (MacPorts)


sudo port install python37 py37-pip
sudo port select --set python3 python37
sudo port select --set pip pip37
sudo -EH pip install tzlocal


Create an account at Schedules Direct.

echo "PASSWORD" | openssl sha1
sd_json.py -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD_SHA1 -c USA -z 02138 -A headends -v | less
nano com.github.essandess.sd-py.plist

Edit in your username, the SHA1 hash of your Schedules Direct password, and your lineup to this launch daemon.


mkdir ~/bin
install -m 755 sd_json.py ~/bin
install -m 600 com.github.essandess.sd-py.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.essandess.sd-py.plist
launchctl start com.github.essandess.sd-py