E-learning Platform

The project is a web platform that makes teachers post courses and blogs and also make students subscribe to their preferred courses and all that managed by an admin panel. The project developed using PHP Laravel framework with Laravel Voyager for admin dashboard.

Project structure

  • The app/ folder contains the models.

  • The app/Http/Controllers/ folder contains the controllers.

  • The resources/views/ folder contains the views.

  • The public/images/ folder contains the public files.

  • The database/e-learningV.sql file contains the database structer.

  • The document/ folder contains the documents related to the project such as presentation and report.

Running the project

  • Install the PHP server laragon or Xampp or wamp.

  • Create a database in PHP my admin and name it e-learningv and import the database/e-learningV.sql database.

  • Run git clone https://github.com/essanhaji/e-learning.git

  • Run composer install

  • Run cp .env.example .env or copy .env.example .env

  • Run php artisan key:generate

  • Run php artisan migrate

  • Run php artisan serve

  • Go to link localhost:8000 for home page

  • Go to link localhost:8000/admin for admin page

  • For more information about tools, architecture and conception check the document/rapport_final.pdf and document/presentation.pdf files. Note that the report write in french for academic reason.

  • If you have any issues feel free to ask us.




Thank you.