
This is the source for my website. The styling is done with Sass, and uses Compass as well as normalize.css. The fonts are Gauge Regular by Daniel Pimley, and Pacifico from Google Web Fonts. The SVG icons came from http://iconmonstr.com/. (Their markup is inlined in the page so the color can be set by CSS).

There's not much to it, but I tried lots of versions of every element of the page. Fonts, colors, animations, gradients, shadows, all of it.


About me

I'm a full-stack software developer in Portland, Oregon. I do a lot of front-end work and enjoy using Javascript and Sass very much. I also use Python and Django a lot. I also have a lot of past experience with C# and .NET.

I have been privileged to work in many different areas of application development over my career - developing a webapp product from scratch and supporting it, desktop Windows apps, content management systems, services to do involved things like calculating returns on a portfolio, APIs, integrating devices like fingerprint scanners and credit card machines (the kind with the pretty color screens), integrating with financial institutions, build infrastructure and platforms for developers, and more.

Some areas I have not explored as much include distributed systems and mobile apps, though I am familiar with Cocoa and Objective-C.

I love making things better for people. And I love squashing bugs.