
Shimlib - a useful Javascript library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

shimlib - A Useful Javascript Library

Shimlib is a Javascript library that does things with functions, arrays, objects, and more. It's a personal project, implementing things I have found necessary or convenient at different times. It can be used to shim missing functionality like Object.keys, Function.prototype.bind, and more.

Some of its functions are similar to what you'll find in underscore.js and es5-shim. It also includes a simple class library for doing classical inheritance in Javascript, and some very handy serialization/deserialization for query strings.


(Note - there are links to the ECMAScript spec below. It's a huge document and takes a long time to load before it can jump to the specific section linked to.)


  • shimlib.map(arr, fn [, thisArg]): Standard map function. Using values returned from fn, transform arr into a new array. fn is a function that takes an element of arr and returns some value. thisArg is an optional parameter that will be bound to this when fn is called. Otherwise, this will be bound to arr. Can be used as a shim for Array.prototype.map.

  • shimlib.filter(arr, fn [, thisArg]): Standard filter function. Filter arr by passing each element to fn. Each element of arr will be included in the result if fn returns a truthy value. thisArg is an optional parameter that will be bound to this when fn is called. Otherwise, this will be bound to arr. Can be used as a shim for Array.prototype.filter.

  • shimlib.forEach(arr, fn [, thisArg]): Standard forEach function. fn will be called for each element of arr. thisArg is an optional parameter that will be bound to this when fn is called. Otherwise, this will be bound to arr. Can be used as a shim for Array.prototype.forEach.

  • shimlib.some(arr, fn [, thisArg]): Standard some function. Returns true if the result of calling fn is truthy for at least one element of arr. Returns false otherwise. thisArg is an optional parameter that will be bound to this when fn is called. Otherwise, this will be bound to arr. Can be used as a shim for Array.prototype.some.

  • shimlib.every(arr, fn [, thisArg]): Standard every function. Returns true if no falsy values were found after calling fn for every element of arr. Returns false otherwise. thisArg is an optional parameter that will be bound to this when fn is called. Otherwise, this will be bound to arr. Can be used as a shim for Array.prototype.every.

  • shimlib.invoke(arr, methodName [, extraArg1...]): Invoke methodName as a method of each element of arr and return an array of the results of each invocation. methodName should be a string. Any extra arguments will be passed on to the method.

  • shimlib.pickRandom(arr): Returns a randomly-selected element of arr.

  • shimlib.pluck(arr, propertyName): Gets the value of propertyName from each element in arr and returns a new array with the values.


  • shimlib.bind(fn, context): Standard bind function. Returns a new function that calls fn with context bound to this.

  • shimlib.compose(func1 [, func2...]): Standard compose function. Compose one or more functions together.


  • shimlib.isArray(o): Returns true if o is an array, false otherwise. Can be used as a shim for Array.isArray.
  • shimlib.isString(s): Returns true if s is a string, false otherwise.
  • shimlib.isFunction(f): Returns true if f is a function, false otherwise.
  • shimlib.isNan(n): Returns true if n is NaN. More accurate implementation than native isNaN, which has misleading behavior.
  • shimlib.isNumber(n): Returns true if n is a number, false otherwise.


  • shimlib.toFixed(n, precision): Returns a string representing n with precision digits after the decimal point.
    Note: Currently, toFixed() truncates the number and does not round it. This does not match the spec.


  • shimlib.create(o): Create a new object inheriting from o. The new object's prototype will be o. Can be used as a shim for Object.create.

  • shimlib.extend(destination, sources): Replace all values in destination with those in one or more sources.

  • shimlib.keys(o): Return a list of the names of o's own properties.

  • shimlib.copyProperty(sourceObj, sourceName, destObj, destName): Take sourceObj's property named sourceName, and copy it to destObj.destName. Convenient for getters which can't be referenced directly without invoking them.

  • shimlib.without(o, keys): Return a new object with o's properties, except the properties in keys.

Query Strings

Shimlib's query string functionality handles arrays and numbers. Empty query string values are deserialized as empty strings ('').

  • shimlib.toQueryString(o): Serialize o as a query string.

  • shimlib.fromQueryString(qs): Deserialize qs into a Javascript object. qs can be just a query string, or a URI with a query string (fromQueryString will disregard the rest of the URI).

var qs = 'section=45&id=abc&arr=1&arr=2&arr=3&empty';
var qsObj = { section: 45, id: 'abc', arr: [1, 2, 3], empty: '' };

shimlib.toQueryString(qsObj) === qs
// returns an object with properties like qsObj


  • shimlib.strip(s): strip whitespace from beginning and end of s.


  • shimlib.times(arg, numTimes, [context])
    • If arg is a function, call arg numTimes times. Optionally, context will be bound to this when fn is called.
    • If arg is a string, returns a new string with arg repeated numTimes times.
    • If arg is otherwise not a function, returns an array of length times, with all elements equal to arg.
//logs 'hi' three times
shimlib.times(function() { console.log('hi'); }, 3);

// returns 'abcabcabc'
shimlib.times('abc', 3);

// returns [null, null, null, null]
shimlib.times(null, 4);


Shimlib provides a simple class maker for doing classical-style inheritance in Javascript.

  • shimlib.klass(methodsAndProperties): Returns a factory function (not a constructor), representing the klass, that will create a new instance of the klass when called. If methodsAndProperties contains an initialize function, initialize will be called on every new instance of klass.
var Auto = shimlib.klass({ 
	hasWheels: true,
	honkHorn: function() {
		return "beep beep!";
	initialize: function() {
		this.description = this.numberOfDoors + ' doors, ' + this.weightInTons + ' tons';

var car = Auto({ numberOfDoors: 4, weightInTons: 2 });
var truck = Auto({ numberOfDoors: 2, weightInTons: 3 });

car.description === "4 doors, 2 tons"
truck.description === "2 doors, 3 tons"

car.honkHorn() === "beep beep!"
truck.honkHorn() === "beep beep!"


//Don't do this!
var car2 = new Auto();

(It should still work even if you accidentally use new. But don't do it.)

  • klass.extend(methodsAndProperties): Creates a new klass with all the methods and properties from klass, extended with the specified methods and properties. The new klass will have a property $super that refers to the parent klass.
var HybridAuto = Auto.extend({
	hybridEngine: true

var prius = HybridAuto({ numberOfDoors: 4, weightInTons: 0 });
prius.hasWheels === true;
prius.honkHorn === "beep beep!";
prius.description === "4 doors, 0 tons";
prius.hybridEngine === true;
HybridAuto.$super === Auto;
  • klass.private(privObj): Add private values to this klass. Private values are shared between all instances of this klass.
HybridAuto.private({ keyCombination: 'ABCD1234' });

prius.keyCombination === undefined;
HybridAuto.keyCombination === undefined;
  • klass.privateMethod(name, fn): Add a new method to instances of klass which has access to the private values of klass. name is the method's name. When the private method is invoked on instances of klass, the private method will be passed an object representing the private values of the klass, as the last argument to the method.
HybridAuto.privateMethod('confirmSecret', function(potentialSecret, _private) {
	return _private.keyCombination === potentialSecret;

prius.confirmSecret('ABCD1234') === true;
  • klass.static(staticObj): Add static values or methods to this klass. Adds properties to klass itself, not the instances of klass.
Auto.static({ allUseGasoline: false });

Auto.allUseGasoline === false;

Using in browser

min/shimlib.min.js is the standalone build that can be used in web pages. It will set the global variable 'shimlib'.

Tests & Tools

Shimlib's unit tests use mocha and chai. There are also integration tests for ensuring that it has the same behavior as native functions. Shimlib aims to work if Javascript builtins have been altered, and provides tests for that too. Shimlib's functionality is split into node-style modules.

Gulp tasks are provided for preparing scripts. Browserify is used to resolve the node modules into a single script for running the tests in the browser and to generate the shimlib standalone build, which can be used in browser or node.


Run sh ./install.sh to install Browserify, and mocha for the test runner.

Running tests

Unit tests can be run on the command line, or in a browser. To run tests on the command line, run npm test or mocha. To run the tests in a browser, run node bin/serve and browse to http://localhost:4444.


Currently, the toFixed implementation simply truncates and does not do decimal rounding. This does not match the spec for Number.prototype.toFixed.


GitHub: http://github.com/essdot


The server script and general browser test setup was taken from the wonderful js-assessment by Rebecca Murphey: https://github.com/rmurphey/js-assessment

Some alterations were made to the server script for error handling.


Further contributions/contributors are not expected, but submit a pull request if you like.


Copyright © 2014 Justin Sippel

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. You are free to share and remix the work, and to use it for commercial purposes under the following conditions:

  • Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
  • Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.