
Official Sanity Astro integration


In your Astro project, run the following command to install the Sanity Astro integration

npx astro add @sanity/astro

Usage in Astro

Configure the integration in your astro.config.mjs file. The configuration options are the same as for @sanity/client.

import sanity from "@sanity/astro";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";

// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      projectId: "3do82whm",
      dataset: "next",
      useCdn: true,


We recommend using astro-portabletext to render your PortableText fields in Astro. See an example of this in apps/example/src/components/PortableText.astro, including using custom components to render custom blocks and annotations.

Presenting images

We recommend using @sanity/image-url to help you generate URLs for presenting Sanity images in your Astro app. See an example of this in apps/example/src/components/SanityImage.astro


Please see our guided tutorial on how to create a blog with Sanity content in Astro to get started from scratch with both Sanity and Astro.