
Convert Gregorian to Jewish dates with holidays and zmanim (Diaspora/Israel).

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Convert Gregorian to Jewish dates and get shabbos / yom tov details for Diaspora.


pip install jewcal


>>> from datetime import date
>>> from jewcal import Jewcal

>>> jewcal = Jewcal(date(2022, 4, 15))
>>> print(jewcal)
14 Nisan 5782
>>> print(repr(jewcal))
Jewcal(year=5782, month=1, day=14, gregorian_date=datetime.date(2022, 4, 15), shabbos='Erev Shabbos', yomtov='Erev Pesach', category='Candles')

>>> jewcal = Jewcal(date(2022, 4, 16))
>>> print(jewcal)
15 Nisan 5782
>>> print(repr(jewcal))
Jewcal(year=5782, month=1, day=15, gregorian_date=datetime.date(2022, 4, 16), shabbos='Shabbos', yomtov='Pesach 1', category='Candles')

>>> jewcal = Jewcal(date(2022, 4, 17))
>>> print(jewcal)
16 Nisan 5782
>>> print(repr(jewcal))
Jewcal(year=5782, month=1, day=16, gregorian_date=datetime.date(2022, 4, 17), shabbos=None, yomtov='Pesach 2', category='Havdalah')

>>> jewcal = Jewcal(date(2022, 8, 19))
>>> print(jewcal)
22 Av 5782
>>> print(repr(jewcal))
Jewcal(year=5782, month=5, day=22, gregorian_date=datetime.date(2022, 8, 19), shabbos='Erev Shabbos', yomtov=None, category='Candles')

>>> jewcal = Jewcal(date(2022, 8, 20))
>>> print(jewcal)
23 Av 5782
>>> print(repr(jewcal))
Jewcal(year=5782, month=5, day=23, gregorian_date=datetime.date(2022, 8, 20), shabbos='Shabbos', yomtov=None, category='Havdalah')

>>> jewcal = Jewcal(date.today())
>>> print(jewcal)
24 Av 5782
>>> print(repr(jewcal))
Jewcal(year=5782, month=5, day=24, gregorian_date=datetime.date(2022, 8, 21), shabbos=None, yomtov=None, category=None)

Possible values


jewcal.shabbos jewcal.category
None None
Erev Shabbos Candles
Shabbos Havdalah

Yom Tov

jewcal.yomtov jewcal.category
None None
Erev Rosh Hashana Candles
Rosh Hashana 1 Candles
Rosh Hashana 2 Havdalah
Erev Yom Kippur Candles
Yom Kippur Havdalah
Erev Sukkos Candles
Sukkos 1 Candles
Sukkos 2 Havdalah
Chol HaMoed 1 (Sukkos 3) None
Chol HaMoed 2 (Sukkos 4) None
Chol HaMoed 3 (Sukkos 5) None
Chol HaMoed 4 (Sukkos 6) None
Hoshana Rabba (Sukkos 7) Candles
Shmini Atzeres (Sukkos 8) Candles
Simchas Tora Havdalah
Erev Pesach Candles
Pesach 1 Candles
Pesach 2 Havdalah
Chol HaMoed 1 (Pesach 3) None
Chol HaMoed 2 (Pesach 4) None
Chol HaMoed 3 (Pesach 5) None
Chol HaMoed 4 (Pesach 6) Candles
Pesach 7 Candles
Pesach 8 Havdalah
Erev Shavuos Candles
Shavuos 1 Candles
Shavuos 2 Havdalah