The pixdim project is a program and libraries (shared & static)
that reports JPG & PNG image dimensions. The color_depth/pixel_size
can also be retrieved using the verbose option.
Other file formats might be implemented in the future.
You'll need to install make, gcc, file-devel, libjpeg-devel and libpng16-devel
Typical use:
host@~$ pixdim ~/Pictures/161019.jpg
800 600
host@~$ pixdim -v /srv/files/images/author.png
1200 1000 4 /srv/files/images/author.png
Or link libpixdim.a/libpixdim.so with any programs
In a terminal, in the source directory, type:
make install
Optionally, you can specify the installation path by running:
make PREFIX=/usr
make PREFIX=/usr install
If the libpixdim.so library is installed, the program will
be linked against. Otherwise all functions will be built in.