
— a clean and simple template for an independent media and/or zine

Primary LanguageAstro


— is clean and simple template for an independent media and/or zine.


  • Ready-to-go web-template made with Astro;
  • Distinctive typography — Inter by the legendary Rasmus Andersson. You just can't go wrong with this one;
  • Sustainable code and design;
  • Comes with the site.js — a single source of truth to update content, and don't waste any time jumping between files;
  • Integrated Collections — just start writing;
  • Includes articles and podcasts — and you can get rid of them if you need;



Writing content

Three types of content are integrated into the template:

  • articles — of content type. To add an article, create a new .md file in the src/content/articles folder;
  • podcasts — same here. To add a new podcast, create a new .md file in the src/content/podcasts folder;
  • authors — of data type. Add a new author by creating a new .json file in the src/content/authors folder.

When creating md files, don't forget the frontmatter — the thing between the ---. It allows for quering the data. More on what types of fields there are and for which type, have a look at the config.ts file in the src/content folder.



├── public/
│   ├── css/
│   │   └── global.css
│   ├── favicon.svg
│   └── images/
│       ├── article.webp
│       └── cover.webp
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── Card.astro
│   │   ├── Hero.astro
│   │   ├── Footer.astro
│   │   ├── Header.astro
│   │   ├── Navigation.astro
│   │   ├── Paginator.astro
│   │   ├── Podcast.astro
│   │   ├── Tag.astro
│   ├── content/
│   │   ├── articles/
│   │   │   ├── lorem1.md
│   │   │   └── lorem1.md
│   │   ├── authors/
│   │   │   └── essens.json
│   │   ├── config.ts
│   │   └── pages/
│   │   │   ├── about.md
│   │   │   └── support.md
│   ├── layouts/
│   │   └── Layout.astro
│   ├── pages/
│   │   ├── about.astro
│   │   ├── index.astro
│   │   ├── rss.xml.js
│   │   ├── [slug].astro
│   │   ├── stories/
│   │   │   └── [...page].stro
│   │   ├── support.astro
│   │   └── tags/
│   │       └── [tag].astro
│   └── site.js
└── package.json


Customization and Development

To change things like a site title, description, have a look at src/site.js.

In case you want to change styles and such, dive intro the public/css/global.css. Mind the variables (--something): changing them might be the easiest way to change how the website looks.

There is also utils.js. It contains all the queries used to get data — articles, podcasts, and whatnot. You can play around with it.