Research Articles in Simplified HTML (RASH) Framework includes a markup language defined as a subset of HTML+RDF for writing scientific articles, and related tools to convert it into different formats, to extract data from it, etc.
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how to run docx2rash ?
#116 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 0
Table headers when converting to PDF
#134 opened by idafensp - 0
Break long words
#133 opened by essepuntato - 1
Implement recent articles
#127 opened by gspinaci - 0
Update bootstrap to v4.0
#128 opened by gspinaci - 2
Metadata for type, title, date, language, rights
#121 opened by zuphilip - 0
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Shortcuts on "edit_metadata" screen
#125 opened by gspinaci - 0
Add/Remove RAJE scripts on "save"/"open"
#120 opened by gspinaci - 0
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Fix footnotes with links in .docx
#115 opened by gcpdev - 1
generate ids for all elements to allow more specific "post-hoc" external linking
#114 opened by joernhees - 3
Fix endnotes visualization
#108 opened by gspinaci - 3
Refresh section menu item
#110 opened by gspinaci - 1
Using MathJax with TinyMCE to render formulas
#99 opened by gspinaci - 1
Storing RASH documents via browser
#86 opened by essepuntato - 1
Editing metadata via modal inteface
#85 opened by essepuntato - 1
Modularising rash.js for being used in RAJE
#87 opened by essepuntato - 1
Update formula by clicking on it + inline
#113 opened by gspinaci - 0
Change footnotes representation
#112 opened by gspinaci - 0
Chromium prevent triple click selection
#101 opened by gspinaci - 0
Manage editing in pre>code
#111 opened by gspinaci - 3
Exit from inline elements pressing enter key
#95 opened by gspinaci - 0
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Move cursor footnotes/references
#105 opened by gspinaci - 0
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Avoiding editing of immutable objects
#88 opened by essepuntato - 1
Update ol list style
#106 opened by gspinaci - 1
New attribute to know how the elements (headings in particular) have to be converted
#97 opened by gspinaci - 1
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Dealing with sections
#96 opened by gspinaci - 1
Complete add raje_figure plugin
#100 opened by gspinaci - 0
Refresh references in real-time
#104 opened by gspinaci - 1
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TinyMCE vs. Slate
#79 opened by essepuntato - 0
Table implementation
#98 opened by gspinaci - 0
Interacting with GihHub API
#94 opened by essepuntato - 0
Annotation store mode
#93 opened by essepuntato - 0
Annotation view mode
#92 opened by essepuntato - 0
Creating new files in RAJE
#91 opened by essepuntato - 0
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Porting RAJE body to new system
#89 opened by essepuntato - 0
Module for storing on Web API
#84 opened by essepuntato - 0
Module for storing on file system
#83 opened by essepuntato - 0
Module for storing on GitHub
#82 opened by essepuntato - 0
Modular storing mechanism
#81 opened by essepuntato - 0
Privacy when using GitHub
#80 opened by essepuntato - 0
Use of obsolete "name" attribute
#76 opened by essepuntato