
A DIrT Simple url dispatching library for java

Primary LanguageJava

Ditspatch is a Url Dispatcher library in the spirit of Luke Arno's Selector
library for Python rather than Django routing. There are differences ofcourse,
but the general idea is the same, and indeed it is inpired by that library.

Url Declarations

The core of Ditspatch is built around Url Declarations which look like:


Ditspatch uses these declarations to build regular expressions that will match
the following urls for instance:




Named Value Extraction

After matching urls against the declarations, Ditspatch will also extract the
values of the variables in those matched positions in the url. So for instance
the following declaration applied to the actual url below:

Declaration: user/$username:String/game/$game_id:int
Actual Url: /user/user2/game/100/

Will yield a String username with value = "user2" and an Integer game_id with
value = 100

Route r = new Route("user/$username:String/game/$game_id:int");
MatchedUrl mu = r.matchUrl("/user/user2/game/100/");

mu.getString("username"); //returns 'user2'
mu.getInteger("game_id"); //returns '100'

Class Dispatch

Finally, Ditspatch contains a small routing framework which can dispatch
incoming HTTP requests to Java class object, passing them the proper variables
extracted from the incoming URLs with their proper type signature.

For instance, supposing we have the below:

Declaration: user/$username:String/game/$game_id:int
Actual Url: /user/user2/game/100/
Http Method: GET
Destination Object: UserGame.class

Router r = new Router();
r.addRoute("user/$username:String/game/$game_id:int", UserGame.class);

// Later on we can call the dispatch method:

r.dispatchGet("/user/user2/game/100/", ...);

This will result in a call to a previously defined GET method in the UserGame
class which will have to be defined thus:

public class UserGame
    public IResponse GET(IRequest req, String username, int game_id)
        //do funky stuff here and return a Response object