URLCron is simply what is sounds like. A cron implementation for dealing with URLs in the WWW environment. Ok... that's what it will be when its fully matured... right now though... its just a simple one-shot scheduler, that can callback a URL via GET when the schedule fires off. All interactions are strictly over a REST service that returns a JSON response_object(). response_object -> { status : 1 | 0, data : string() | schedule_object() } schedule_object -> { name : string(), pid : pid() | undefined, start_time: datetime(), time_created: datetime(), time_started: datetime() | undefined, time_completed: datetime() | undefined, url: string(), url_status: integer() | error | undefined , url_headers: list() | undefined, url_content: string() | undefined, status: enabled | disabled | completed } Current features include: ------------------------- - Create Schedule: POST /schedule?name=&year=&month=&day=&hour=&minute=&second=&url= (name= is optional) Returns = { status: 1|0, data: "scheduleName"} - Cancel Schedule: DELETE /schedule/name Returns = { status: 1|0, data: string() } - Get A Schedule Object: GET /schedule/name Returns = { status: 1|0, data:schedule_object() } - Update A Schedules Callback URL: PUT /schedule/name?url= Returns = { status: 1|0, data: string()} - Enable A Schedule: GET /schedule/name/enable Returns = { status: 1|0, data: string()} - Disable A Schedule: GET /schedule/name/disable Returns = { status: 1|0, data: string()} - Persistence - We can save and resume schedules on restarting the node even after a crash. Features Coming: ---------------- - GET /schedule/ -> all schedules json - GET /stats/ -> various statistics - Support for various HTTP parameters and headers for target URL schedules - Proper support for running a scheduling cluster (especially, support for taking over schedules from a shutting down node) - Support for recurring schedules - Support for a CRON like syntax for configuring firing times Installation: ------------- 0. First grab and install erlcfg from git hub: git clone git@github.com:essiene/erlcfg.git UrlCron uses erlcfg for reading its config files. 1. After you've installed erlcfg, type make in the top urlcron directory. 2. Copy config/urlcron.conf to /etc/urlcron.conf and edit it properly. 3. make install 4. uhh... that's it! How It Works Currently: ----------------------- There are four major components: Mochiweb powered webservice (urlcron_mochiweb) This is just a front end and does not feature much in anything else. Mnesia Schedule Store: (scheduler_store) This is a abstraction of the mnesia table that stores the schedule records in the schedule table. The record is defined in urlcron.hrl. Schedule (urlcron_schedule) There are actually two types of schedules. A running schedule and a not-running schedule (booya!). Every schedule is primarily a record stored in the mnesia store, but a running schedule is an FSM with one goal: To create a timer that will fire when the schedule's start_time is reached. On firing, the FSM will attempt the fetch the URL and update the schedule's record with relavant result information, and exit. When a schedule is disabled or completed, it can never have a running instance anymore. Only enabled schedules are allowed to be run. When the system starts up, the scheduler will start all enabled schedules. Scheduler (urlcron_scheduler) This is a gen_server which acts as the entry point into using the rest of the system. When a request is made to create a schedule, the scheduler does two things (scheduler_util) it creates the running schedules and the schedules and is incharge of orchestrating the whole process. Code Changes Coming: -------------------- - After this first naive implementation, I have discovered that it will be better (process wise) to use just ONE FSM to keep all the timers, as we will then have fewer processes overall on one node. - Once the preceeding is achieved, more HTTP options support will be added. - We also need a way of detecting if a schedule should be fired again, so that we can support recurring schedules. This would mean that instead of just marking a schedule as completed, we'd check if it should be fired again, then leave it as enabled. Though i'm not sure if I should keep track of the results of the various times it fired. I'll probably do that in a related table, which would mean, seperating the url status replies from the schedule record itself, which is actually a good thing. - Then we'll probably need a process to continually check if we should create running schedules from the schedules in the store, using some filters like say, start all schedules that have their start times due in the next 15 minutes or something crazy like that. - Also, once we being support for clustering, we should be able to let a process run on the master node, that distributes the schedules due to be fired to the different nodes using a simple round-robbin for a start, but eventually an algorithm that can support least-weighted, etc. - Also, a JSON-RPC interface may be tacked on, to allow spunkier? interactions. Who's gonna do all this? Some poor looser... meh!