MTLMBSM stands for "Meh To Less Meh But Still Meh," a humorous way to describe how this script simplifies and automates aspects of version control and GitHub interactions; which also serves as a filter; since if this is yet not automagically enforcing a smile near the observer, this script may not be suitable at all; almost like an admin requirement certification wise thing.
- Automagic operation (YES, PREFERABLY even if there's an error or missing configuration, in authentic unicorn moose manners! )
- Flexible configuration through kigit.txt
- Repository creation & management
- Automatic & .gitignore generation etc intended
- (Yet to be more arty) web page generative actions from etc
- Customizable commit messages (-ish)
- And much more, and perhaps even quite differently so (not so awesome) when LLMs misinterpret the "enhance" statement!
This project is licensed under a license not written here yet.. but sure, this has probably taken out a 100 hours of LLM discoteque ettiqeuette etc.