
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Infrastructure for the 3E Process Seedbank.

As of now, the plan is to build the client mainly in React. The back-end is currently built in Node, though we intend to eventually replace some of this functionality with a dApp built on Holochain.


cd anarchive and run npm install. Then do the same from the client directory. You'll also need to install knex globally, like npm i -g knex. Then copy .env.example as .env and fill out the values.


To start a dev environment, cd anarchive and npm run dev. This starts both the server and client concurrently (view the client at localhost:3000).

React Development

To require authentication to view a given resource, just wrap the route declaration with the withAuth helper. E.g., in /client/App.js:

<Route exact path='/events' component={withAuth(EventsPage)} />

To do

  1. Testing
  2. More sophisticated handling for JWT invalidation/timeouts (logout currently just clears localStorage)
  3. Password reset