Solace Chat Application

The Fundamentals of Solace Development online learning course introduces developers to Solace messaging. The course provides an overview of the various Open Protocols and languages Solace supports, and the concepts behind messaging with Solace. Topics covered include connecting your application to Solace, multi-protocol support, message exchange patterns, and how they relate to applications. Finally, we will create an application that utilizes Solace PubSub+ to learn how to publish and receive both direct and guaranteed messages.

The course can be viewed on Udemy at

The project is broken into multiple branches to separate concepts. To get started, clone the repository and checkout the first branch. Once you have checked out the branch, follow the instructions in the Udemy course to create your Chat Application.

git checkout developer-exercise-1

Once you are done exercise 1, checkout further branches using the following, where X is the branch number you want to checkout.

git checkout developer-exercise-X -f