
Port knocking in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

KaiMen 开门

port knocking in Python

Saw some previous port knocking attemps, I feel either they are troublesome to install or too old or both. I decided write a much simpler on my own.

That grumpy BSD guy say no to port knocking, but I think he meant knockd. We can have so much fun outside knockd with innovative variaties. But his idea of doing pure PF script port knocking is worthy check out.



  • Recent Ubuntu with iptables
  • Python 2.x (with most distro's default)


pip install kaimen


sudo python kaimen.py PORT SIZExTIMES


- `PORT` the port you wanna hide
- `SIZE` size of `ping` packet
- `TIMES` how many times of `ping`


sudo python kaimen.py 2333 23x3

Hide TCP port 2333 but open to IP if 23 bytes of ping were sent three times.

Future Goals & ToDos

  • PF script port knocking 😜
  • hits by times
  • publish to pip
  • port knocking over DNS. YEAH!