Contenful Libraries

This repo holds all the code for our LastRev Libraries to be used for client projects.

It is built using Yarn workspaces and Lerna.

Run tests


$ git clone
$ cd lastrev-libraries
$ nvm use
$ yarn


To run in dev mode

$ yarn dev

To run only a specific package and its dependencies in dev mode

$ yarn dev --scope {packagename}

To build in production mode

$ yarn build

To run tests

$ yarn test

To run tests in watch mode

$ yarn test:watch

Using Changesets

This monorepo uses changesets to manage versioning and publishing of the different modules and apps. Please read up on changesets and follow the guidelines below:

  • When making a change worth noting (something that should show up in changelogs), run yarn changeset. This will ask you for the type of bump (patch/minor/major) and which packages it applies to. This is helpful since the person making the change generally knows whether it is a breaking change, a functional change or a simple fix. These changesets are additive, and will also take into account dependencies.
  • It is generally a good idea to include a changeset with all pull requests.
  • When a change is merged into main, the release github action is triggered.

Branching and Publishing

We use github actions and changesets (see above) to automatically publish changes that are committed to main.

For new features, it is best to create a feature branch, and once everything is tested thoroughly and ready for production, to merge it into main.

Publishing public modules to NPM

When changes are merged into main, public modules that have changesets associated with them will be version bumped and a PR created. when that PR is merged, public modules that have had a version bump will be published to NPM.

Updating existing projects

Make sure to check the changelog and migration guide before starting this process: starter changelog

The update script is available to update projects created from the Last Rev Next Starter to the latest version. The current script has been added as a CLI command: last-rev framework-update

This command takes 2 required options (SOURCE_COMMIT, TARGET_COMMIT), and 1 optional (PROJECT_DIRECTORY)

  • -s for SOURCE_COMMIT: This is the commit hash, or branch name, of the current version of the project that is being updated (e.g. v1).
    • Check the earliest commit where an update to the frmework happended. Either the initiali commit or a past update. Then cross-reference that with the history of the starter project.
  • -t for TARGET_COMMIT: This is the commit hash, or branch name, of the target version that you want to update to (e.g. main).
  • -d for PROJECT_DIRECTORY: This is the directory of the project that is being updated.
    • this is an optional parameter
    • default is current working directory
    • ** <project_directory> must be an absolute path to the project directory.**

To run the command you need to run the following command:

 last-rev framework-update -s <source_commit> -t <target_commit> -d <project_directory>

The process will update the project to the target version and create a commit with all the changes from the project.

Solving conflicts when updating

During the update process the following steps are taken:

  • A diff is created between the source and target commits on the starter project
  • The diff is applied to the project directory
  • The project is checked for conflicts
  • If there are conflicts, the user is prompted to resolve them through the code editor
  • After resolving the conflicts, the project is checked for conflicts again and if successful a commit is created with the changes

Even if there are no conflicts the user needs to manually review the changed files to ensure that all changes look good.

For more details about migrating and breaking changes take a look at the starter changelog