
Yay my dotfiles my dot files yay!

Primary LanguageVim Script

My common dot files...

Setting Up
Run the install script to have them linked into place. 

The script will intialize and update the submodules and svn repos for you.
It will also move any existing files to an .orig extension so your orginal 
files should still be intact. It will also only create the symlink if the 
files are not already symlinks.

These are *my* dot files so for example, the gitconfig has my name and email
in it. If you are not me, I would advise at least editing that file with your
own credentials. It's the only one off the top of my head but I would advise 
looking the others over anyway.

This is a mount point for 3rd party repositories and thier files are symlinked
back into the paths of the dotfiles directory. I maintain the symlinks manually
as there are a case or two where I use my own version instead of upstream's.

Maybe add the NERDSnippits plugin
scrooloose's vimfiles is full of things to study
