
Login test

Assumptions made

  • Website is up and running (Server is not down).
  • No Validation occuring on Username and Password fields.
  • Test should fail for incorrect user name format and password length.
  • Application Showing errors only for incorrect username format and if the password is length less than 8.

Prerequisites Git JAVA SDK 8, Selenium, Junit Sourcecode editor (Eg.eclipse) Download chromedriver and set path correctly -


Clone or download reposiory gherkins_test( github


Framework Overview The cucumber BDD testing framework specifies acceptance tests as written from the view of the Product Owner. Using keywords such as Given, When, Then and And, acceptance criteria tests known as feature files can then be broken down into testable steps.


Feature File - features/Login.feature
Step Definition Feature File - Java class whereby the steps from the feature file are broken down to be coded into automation tests
TestRunner class - Runner/
ChromeDriver.exe - Local chromedriver necessary in order
Cucumber Reports - Cucumber has a built in report generation whereby Feature files tested are automatically written to cucumbers own reporting system
Steps to write an acceptance test
Feature file has it’s step defition, pageobject & model class