This is a simple project site for my mini-projects related to pandemic visualizing. This is an old project but as of 12.30.2020, I am hoping to start this back up and do more detailed work.
- positive test data for Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Texas (.csv files)
- draft visualization Jupyter Notebook using matplotlib, two phases of reopening (.ipynb file)
- interactive visualization code using plotly (
- final interactive visualization html backend (final-viz.html)
Viz using Python's plotly library. Interactive .html file containing improved datasets (all reopening policy dates, two new states added). Data from July 20, 2020.
- total number of COVID-19 cases per country by date
- interactive timeseries choropleth animation for worldwide cases (final-viz.html)
Final viz using Python's plotly library. Animated by date (time slider). Data from July 23, 2020.