Vagrant virtual machine for developing The Thing System Steward.
##Installation on Windows
Install Vagrant
Vagrant supports Hyper-V with Windows 8.1.
With older Windows, or if you don't want to use Hyper-V, install Oracle VirtualBox and in Windows 8 disable Hyper-V (Control Panel -> Programs -> Add remove features)
As Windows has 260 character file name limitation and node modules tend to have a deep hierarchy (steward's longest file name is ~230 characters), it is recommended to put virtual machine to a folder with a path of ~20 characters (because of synced devenv folder).
Go to virtual machines folder and type (this may take like 30min)
vagrant up
Download SSH Client e.g. Putty and connect to virtual machine
Host name:
Port: 2222
login as: vagrant
password: vagrant
Start Steward
cd devenv/steward/steward
sudo ./
Open browser to (have to accept to connect to untrusted site)