- Server API Port: 7000
- Client SHOP Port: 9000
- Client SHOP API Port: 8000
- Client ADMIN Port: 5000 (3000)
- Client ADMIN API Port: 4000
here are all the tabs and language settings: client/packages/shop/src/site-settings/site-navigation.ts
- poner mejores datos en los cards de las tasks (start, end time).
- better ui in task listing edit staff modal
poner numeros 1️⃣ Compra tu AssistCard 💳 2️⃣ Asistencia en viaje 🩺 3️⃣ Reintegros 💲 4️⃣ Modificación de voucher ✏️ 5️⃣ Sugerencias y otras consultas 🧔🏽💻 6️⃣ Cancelar❌(Puedes escribirlo en cualquier momento para finalizar o volver al inicio). 7️⃣ Change my language / Mudar meu idioma 🔁
- agregar flow venta rapida para SELLER_POSITION, /grower
- chequear flujo compras web.
- chechear flujo compra whatsapp
- hacer flujo juan para actualizar huevos y stock de frutillas por ej. (lunes y miercoles) (para hacer ventas martes y jueves) (check)
- chequear automatizacion de pickup de stock y publicacion en IG.
- automatizar aviso a DITTO_SELLER de lista de pedidos y flujo de contacto con el cliente (marcarlos como entregados e identificar pedidos que juan le lleva, con cuando llega el cliente)
- chequear a juan que le falta para ahcer para hcer mermelada (envases, azucar, olla y elementos de limpieza)
- Ver listado con precios mayorista de frutas/verduras.
- Arreglar y testear distancia
- Arregglar el enchufe 4 qu no arranca el relay cuando esta bien setteado en el arduino
- if you add a module when its already conected, it shows disconeccted/no reading, (we should ?)
- make check to not colapse when no whatsapp is linked when shuting a warning for instance.
- Arreglar logs un poco
- agregar UI y logica de backend para enchufe inteligente
- agregar UI y logica de backend para humedad y temperatura
- Add wifi password ip address improvement.
- testear cuanta agua para en 1 minuto de la manguera y poner metodo aca para en plants.ts decir cuanta agua utilizo.
- para hacer mi sistema de agua de casa, voy a tener que agregar una logica a los sensores para que tengan un array con modos para ir saltando de modo en modo (stack).
- agregar a que numbero avisar. al del user o otro
- hacer super dinamico el campo: encendido/apagado y el reading!!
- Arreglar wording de whatsapp para plants.ts
- agregar warnings en el front a soil: No relayOneIdRelated, or no minWarning setted: [please set one]
- Test:
- Distance module:
- Light module
arduino box (esp32), cable usb, cargador/enchufe.
zapatilla (con 1, 2, 3, 4 enchufes/relays), una entrada usb para arduino y con su debida cantidad de cables hasta el arduino (todos unidos) (metros a seleccionar).
Sensor de humedad (mts, cms de cable a seleccionar) (add on: mas metros)
Sensor de luz y mts, cm de cable a seleccionar (add on: palito para sujetarlo)
Sensor de moviemiento con su cable(add on: palito para sujetarloy mts, cm de cable a seleccionar)
Sensor de distancia (cajita) con su cable, (add on: mas metros)
- arduino box (esp32) ---
- box for 1 releay, 2 , 3 or 4 or 8 (tienen que ser zapatillas, con 1 usb)
- cajitas para module de humedad
- distribuidor de agua para maceta(ver cuanto sale de china)
- palito para module de luz y cajita
- palito para module de movimiento y cajita
- cajita para module de distancia, con tornillitos
- Sensor distancia:
- Quizas agregar 5 medidas (tiempos de agua para imersion) para el pool irrigation, ya que dependiendo de la cantidad de trays que pongas, va a variar, y agregar en el front un input de esas cantidades (pensar como serian las pruebas del usuario para que sea sensillo saber que cantidades usar)
- Accion vacio custom: avisa cuando esta vacio y activa relay asociado x cantidad de tiempo
- Accion vacio automatico: avisa cuando esta vacio y activa relay asociado hasta llegar al maximo
- Accion lleno custom: avisa cuando esta lleno y activa relay asociado x cantidad de tiempo
- Accion lleno automatico: avisa cuando esta lleno y activa relay asociado hasta llegar al minimo
- Aviso vacio: avisa cuando esta vacio.
- Aviso lleno: avisa cuando esta lleno.
Sensor humedad suelo:
- add delete user func in staffmembers.tsx
- add comment on tasks for feedback.
- puede ser como marketplace, puede ser como un mapa, con buen filtro,
- cada sub/brand que tengo, puede ser un ditto cell, acceso admin,
- necesitaria servidores, devops,
- fullstack dev
- door to door service/installation team, 0800 operation/complains person, alguien para la estrategia de branding (pueden ser door to door seller, try to register a market square, by telling/showing how others neibors are signing in)
0- se puede agregar mas cant de productos de la que hay en stock. El error recien salta en el pago (unhandled: This product do not have enough product quantity. Available quantity: 3) !!!!! se muestra el error de token expirado todo "GraphQL error: E ", buscar "GraphQL error: useQuery(GET_LOGGED_IN_USER);" en el proyectop y agregar handler para el error asi como esta en checkout: /Users/estebanmuruzabal/work/Mahdi-Fashion/client/packages/shop/src/pages/checkout.tsx
1- clear session, login, logout, crash on src/pages/index.tsx (63:12) @ IndexPage
This is a ecommerce script devided with two parts; one is Client
and another one is Server
. In the Client
we have shop script template develop with Next.js
and admin script that develop with React.js
. In the Server
we have graphql api that develop with Typescript
, Apollo Server
, and MongoDB
as database.
We have used monorepo folder structure with Yarn Workspace. In our template we have three different part Admin Dashboard, Shop and API. Tech specification for specific part is given below
- Apollo
- BaseUI
- Typescript
- React Hook Form
- NextJs
- Apollo
- Typescript
- Styled Components
- Stripe Integration
- Formik
- GraphQL
- Type GraphQL
For getting started with the template you have to follow the below procedure. First navigate to the client
directory. Then run below command for getting started with specific part.
# on client directory
- Go to
folder. - Copy the contents of
into a new file called.env
- Put Your Graphql api endpoint in the
For starting the admin dashboard part with corresponding api data run below commands.
# for dev mode run below command
yarn dev:admin
- Go to
folder. - Copy the contents of
into a new file called.env.local
- Put Your Stripe public api key in the
For starting the shop part with corresponding api run below commands.
# for dev mode run below command
yarn dev:shop
If you want to test your production build admin or shop in local environment then run the below commands.
# build admin for production
yarn build:admin => port: 5000
# build api which in needed for local testing
yarn build:api => port: 4000
#start admin in production mode
yarn serve:admin
# build shop for production
yarn build:shop => port: 9000
# build api which in needed for local testing
yarn build:api => port: 8000
# start shop in production mode
yarn serve:shop
: In this portion all the admin dashboard related coding and functions.
: All the shop related coding and functions.
: API related code for both admin and shop section.
admin related api codes are in admin
shop related codes are in shop
- After deploying the api you will get the api endpoint url. Put that url in the
- After deploying the api you will get the api endpoint url. Put that url in the
NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY= 'put_your_stripe_public_key'
NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_API_ENDPOINT= '{put_your_api_url_here.}/shop/graphql'
We develop our graphql api server with NPM workspace. Tech specification for specific part is given below
- Typescript (Node.js)
- Express
- Apollo Server Express
- Cors
- Graphql
- Mongodb
For getting started with the api server you have to follow the below procedure. First navigate to the server
directory. Then run below command for getting started with specific part.
# on server directory
npm install
- Go to
folder. - Copy the contents of
into a new file called.env
- Put Your configuration in the
Give port as7000
. The server will run on this port.APP_ENV=
Set environmentlocal
if you haveMongoDB
on your local machine. If you haveMongoDB Atlas
then set environment asproduction
Give random string here to setup JWT secret key.
If you wish you can also use this configuration for development envoirment.
Please be sure you already create the database on your local mongodb server.
For starting the api server run below commands. The api server will run on http://localhost:7000
and you will find the graphql api on this url http://localhost:7000/api
You will find API Specification on Graphql playground docs.
# for dev mode run below command
npm run start
Connect ALL app features to backend (shop and admin)
ADMIN Products page
delete products
update/delete categories
update/delete/create categories-types
Customers page
update/delete/create customers
add primary delivery address field
make it show real data
delete/edit permissions or role site settings:
make logo/site name (PickBazar should be a dynamic variable)/site description and status work correctly
a plus if you can define theme colors and different website settings
add/edit coupon add not working actually
Cool features:
- Add feature to edit your homepage background banner image. And what does ads banners hyperlinks takes you to
- products page: ability to change display options (listing view, add products with excel file, show products out of stock, set new price for a number of products selected)
- a new tab to set marketing campaigns (hit instagram api and upload stuff maybe?)
- Send email capabilities (special emails form specific buyers) (maaaybe) -SUPERADMIN: (new app) to be able for us to control bugs (from logs maybe), up/down statuses from all mango sites being sold.
Checkout Page
Add sign up to save your delivery information
Add countries payment methods (stripe, Apple Pay, PayPal in usa, mercadopago argentina)
Cool features:
Delivery app (login as delivery boy) and the user can accept a delivery on real time (would include to add a view to admin panel and clients app to see the delivery status)
Add address checker to get the delivery fee or if you qualify as free delivery (check LocationModal)