
A Changelog CLI based on http://keepachangelog.com/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Build Status npm version

Chan is a likeable CLI tool used for writing and maintaining a CHANGELOG empowering the user to use a coloquial/friendly style. See more here: keepachangelog.com


Table of contents

Getting started
- chan
- cli
- parser

Getting started


$ npm install -g @geut/chan



Create a CHANGELOG.md file in your project root folder with:

$ chan init

To add entries to your CHANGELOG use the command that describes better your change (added, changed, fixed, etc)

$ chan added "Added `foo` in API to print foo in the console."

This command will modify your CHANGELOG creating a new entry called added under the Unreleased section.

chan follows the keepachangelog.com format/style.

Using your own editor

In case you want to use an editor you can just omit the message parameter:

$ chan added # this will open your $EDITOR

available commands:

  • init Creates a CHANGELOG.md if it does not exists. Chan will work with this file.
    • -o, --overwrite overwrite the current CHANGELOG.md [boolean]
  • added [msg] Writes your changelog indicating new stuff.
  • fixed [msg] Writes your changelog indicating fixed stuff.
  • changed [msg] Writes your changelog indicating updated stuff.
  • security [msg] Writes your changelog indicating security upgrades.
  • removed [msg] Writes your changelog indicating removed stuff.
  • deprecated [msg] Writes your changelog indicating deprecated stuff.
  • release <semver> Groups all your new features and marks a new release on your CHANGELOG.md.
    • --git-compare Overwrite the git compare by default [string]


  • -p, --path Define the path of the CHANGELOG.md (cwd by default) [string]
  • --stdout Define the output as STDOUT [boolean]
  • --silence Disable the console messages [boolean]
  • -u, --use Extend chan with your own commands [array] [default: []]
  • --config Path to your JSON config file [string]
  • -h, --help Show help [boolean]
  • -v, --version Show version number [boolean]




You can use a config JSON file or your package.json to set a static configuration (global arguments, command arguments and plugins).


    "global-argv": [
        "stdout": true
    "command-argv": [
        "init": {
           "overwrite": true
$ chan --config=./config.json


    "chan": {
        "global-argv": [
            "stdout": true
        "command-argv": [
            "init": {
               "overwrite": true


You can extend chan quite easily by adding your own commands as plugins.


module.exports = function () {
    return {
        command: 'hello <name>',
        describe: 'A command that say hello',
        handler: function (parser, argv, write) {
            this.log().info('hello ' + argv.name);

You can consume local commands by using a local path (e.g.: ./chan-command-hello.js) or you can pick a name prefixed by "chan-command-" if the command is available on NPM.

New commands can be added by three different ways.

  1. Using the argument --use:
$ chan hello 'geut' --use=chan-command-hello
$ hello geut
  1. Using --config pointing to a json file:


    "use": [
$ chan hello 'geut' --config=./config.json
$ hello geut
  1. Using the package.json:


    "chan": {
        "use": [
$ chan hello 'geut'
$ hello geut


Chan is created above two excellent projects. We use yargs for the CLI and remark to parse the CHANGELOG.md

import chan, { cli, parser } from '@geut/chan';


chan exposes the main api:

  • init({ overwrite = false, cwd }): The init method will create a CHANGELOG.md file in cwd directory.
    • overwrite {Boolean}: True to overwrite an exisiting CHANGELOG file. Default to false.
    • cwd {String}: The directory to create the CHANGELOG. If not provided the process.cwd() is used.
  • change({ type, msg, cwd }): Adds the message msg as part of the section type.
    • type {String}: One of the chan.CHANGE_TYPE
    • msg {String}: The message text to be added.
    • cwd {String}: The directory of CHANGELOG. If not provided the process.cwd() is used.
    • ADDED
    • FIXED
  • release({ version, cwd }): Generates a new release section. Moves the current Unrelasead changes list to the provided version.
    • version {String}: The version number.
    • cwd {String}: The directory of CHANGELOG. If not provided the process.cwd() is used.


cli retruns a command line interface instance.

  • run(): Executes the cli.
  • yargs(): Returns the yargs instance.


The parser is a wrapper instance of an excellent project called remark.

To instantiate a parser supply the working directory where the CHANGELOG file is located:

import { parser } from '@geut/chan';


const myParser = parser(cwd);

If cwd is not passed, the process.cwd() is used.

The parser instance exposes the following methods and properties:

  • remark: The remark instance.
  • exists(): Returns true if the CHANGELOG file exists.
  • write(content): Writes the content to the CHANGELOG file.
    • content {String}: If not supplied, the remark.stringify content.
  • findRelease(version): Returns the sub-tree corresponding to the provided version.
    • version {String}: Release version.
  • getMTREE(): Returns the CHANGELOG representation.

Internally, chan maintains its own CHANGELOG representation using a simple tree structure which looks like this:

    releases: [{
        text: '## [Unreleased]',
        start: Number,
        len: Number,
        children: [{
            text: 'Added',
            children: [{
                text: 'some new feature'
            }, {
                text: 'other feature'
    }, {
        text: '## [0.3.0] - 2015-12-03',
        start: Number,
        len: Number,
        children: [Object]
    definitions: {
        start: Number,
        children: [{
            text: '[unreleased]: https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog/compare/v0.3.0...HEAD'


🐛 If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.


👥 Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.

A GEUT project