
Apache Pulsar client based on C nifs

Primary LanguageC


  • A simple apache pulsar client using their C/C++ client (2.6.0) and nifs.
  • The persistent_term API is being used so this requires OTP 21+ hence elixir 1.10+.
  • Caution ack_all doesn't work as expected with shared subscription.

https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/client-libraries-cpp/ https://pulsar.apache.org/api/cpp/


def deps do
    {:neutron, "~> 0.2"}


In your configs:

config :neutron,
  url: "pulsar://localhost:6650", # this is the default value and ideally should be set
  thread_count: 4 # this is optional and defaults to System.schedulers_online()

The above is used for the pulsar client configuration. There is 1 global client that's stored using persistent_term. The thread count is used for the pulsar client IO Threads and Message Listener Threads


How to start a consumer under neutron's supervisor tree:

defmodule ConsumerCallback do
  @behaviour Neutron.PulsarConsumerCallback

  @impl true
  def handle_message(msg) do

Neutron.start_consumer([callback_module: ConsumerCallback, consumer_type: :shared, topic: "my-topic", subscription: "my-subscription"])

See the start_consumer documentation for more information. The above shows all the default values being used minus callback_module which defaults to a module which shouldn't exist and is required.


How to do an async produce. Ideally the producer created by the first call should be put under a supervisor tree or threaded through your program. Use create_managed_async_producer and genserver call by name or tuple if you want to do otherwise. The sync produce API is also available but is also less efficient as a producer is created in the nif per call

defmodule DeliverCallback do
  @behaviour Neutron.PulsarAsyncProducerCallback

  @impl true
  def handle_delivery(res) do
    case res do
      {:ok, _msg_id_string, _msg} -> IO.inspect "successful produce"
      {:error, _msg_id_string, _msg} -> IO.inspect "failed produce"

# async produce
{:ok, pid} = Neutron.create_async_producer("my-topic", DeliverCallback)
:ok = Neutron.async_produce(pid, "hello message")

# sync produce
:ok = Neutron.sync_produce("my-topic", "hello message redux")

Compression is still not supported for producing but will likely be added in a later version.


  • For debian-based packages cmake libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev liblog4cxx-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libboost-all-dev libjsoncpp-dev git build-essential google-mock libgtest-dev are required as dependencies. I also noticed an issue with the pulsar C/C++ library and using alpine linux.