
A Ruby-on-rails + Javascript app to view emails and generate todo-list

Primary LanguageRuby


This repo contains a Ruby-on-Rails app with Bootstrap framework and Javascript functions. The point of this repo is to practice AJAX method for handling CRUD functions without refreshing pages. It's an app designed for handling emails but there are remaining folders of the to-do-list project included.

Check on Heroku the email app:


Install from your console and consult on your local host:

git clone https://github.com/estelle-rcr/email-viewer.git

cd email-viewer

Install the bundle: bundle install

Set up the database: rails db:create rails db:migrate

Seed the database: rails db:seed

Finally launch the server: rails server

And then access the localhost accordingly, for instance: http://localhost:3000/

How to check the results

Please launch the index.html on your browser and check in the developer console under 'console' the results will be visible on the html page OR displayed as javascript logs according to your actions.