
Code repository for Robosoccer 2018

Primary LanguageC


Code repository for Robosoccer 2018

Hardware Setup

Teensy 3.5: Wire it as specified in the circuit drawing. Otherwise, you may need to change the pin mappings in the code.

Component Connection Type
Compass Serial4
Multiplexer Address 0x70 on Wire1
Front IR Sensor Address 0x29, Port 4 on multiplexer
Left IR Sensor Address 0x29, Port 7 on multiplexer
Back IR Sensor Address 0x29, Port 0 on multiplexer
Right IR Sensor Address 0x29, Port 2 on multiplexer

Raspberry Pi: Connected to Teensy via USB cable.

Software Setup

Teensy 3.5

  1. Download the Arduino IDE and software for Teensy.
  2. Download and install robosoccer as a library in Arduino IDE (you must have Arduino IDE version 1.6.0 or newer).
  3. Edit or create new files for Arduino code (.ino) in the main folder.

Raspberry Pi

  1. Download OpenCV 3.3.0 for Python.
  2. Will write this eventually


  1. Write and test localization code.
  2. Write and test out-of-bounds code.
  3. Test ball tracking code.
  4. Integrate the strategies.