This library scrapes Nasdaq's Stock Screener for a daily list of tickers for the NYSE, NASDAQ amd AMEX exchanges.
Inspired by get-all-tickers
This library is not available on PyPi. To include it in your venv, run:
pip install git+
Get tickers across NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX exchanges:
from GetStockTickers.GetStockTickers import GetStockTickers
get_stock_tickers is the main method, it returns a list of tickers:
GetStocktickers(nyse=True, nasdaq=True, amex=True).get_stock_tickers()
Return full data-set as dataframe: symbol|name|lastsale|netchange|pctchange|volume|marketCap|country|ipoyear|industry|sector|url|exchange
Filter tickers by market cap in millions:
GetStocktickers().get_stock_tickers(mcap_min = 1000, mcap_max = 10000)
Filtering by Region and Sector requires the use of the config in the module. These ENUMs define the available regions and sectors to filter by.
from filters import Sectors, Regions
Filter by Region and Sector: