ExTwilio is currently beta software. You can install it from Hex:
def deps do
[{:ex_twilio, "~> 0.6.1"}]
Or from Github:
def deps do
[{:ex_twilio, github: "danielberkompas/ex_twilio"}]
and run mix deps.get
. Now, list the :ex_twilio
application as your application dependency:
def application do
[applications: [:ex_twilio]]
You will need to set the following configuration variables in your
use Mix.Config
config :ex_twilio, account_sid: {:system, "TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"},
auth_token: {:system, "TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"},
workspace_sid: {:system, "TWILIO_WORKSPACE_SID"} # optional
For security, I recommend that you use environment variables rather than hard
coding your account credentials. If you don't already have an environment
variable manager, you can create a .env
file in your project with the
following content:
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=<account sid here>
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<auth token>
export TWILIO_WORKSPACE_SID=<workspace sid here> #optional
Then, just be sure to run source .env
in your shell before compiling your
Multiple Environments
If you want to use different Twilio credentials for different environments, then
create separate Mix configuration files for each environment. To do this, change
to look like this:
# config/config.exs
use Mix.Config
# shared configuration for all environments here ...
import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs"
Then, create a config/#{environment_name}.exs
file for each environment. You
can then set the config :ex_twilio
variables differently in each file.
ExTwilio comes with module for each supported Twilio API resource. For example,
the "Call" resource is accessible through the ExTwilio.Call
module. Depending
on what the underlying API supports, a resource module may have the following
Method | Description |
all | Eager load all of the resource items on all pages. Use with care! |
stream | Create a Stream of all the items. Use like any Stream. |
find | Find a resource given its SID. |
create | Create a resource. |
update | Update a resource. |
destroy | Destroy a resource. |
Resource modules may contain their own custom methods. If the underlying API endpoint does not support an action, the related method will not be available on that module.
Supported Endpoints
ExTwilio currently supports the following Twilio endpoints:
- Account. Including SubAccounts.
- Address
- Application
- AuthorizedConnectApp
- AvailablePhoneNumber
- Call
- Conference
- ConnectApp
- IncomingPhoneNumber
- Message
- Notification
- OutgoingCallerId
- Queue
- Recording
- ShortCode
- Token
- Transcription
- SipCredentialList
- SipDomain
- SipIPAccessControlList
Twilio's Lookup Rest API:
Twilio's TaskRouter API:
Twilio's ProgrammableChat API:
Twilio Capability Tokens:
# Get all the calls in the Call endpoint. Be warned, this will block
# until all the pages of calls have been fetched.
calls = ExTwilio.Call.all
# Create a stream of all the calls
stream = ExTwilio.Call.stream
# Lazily filter calls by duration, then map to get only their SIDs
|> Stream.filter(fn(call) -> call.duration > 120 end)
|> Stream.map(fn(call) -> call.sid end)
|> Enum.into([]) # Only here does any work happen.
# => ["CAc14d7...", "CA649ea861..."]
# Get the first page. The meta variable is a map of paging information
# from Twilio.
{:ok, calls, meta} = ExTwilio.Call.list
# Get the next page
{:ok, more_calls, _meta} = ExTwilio.Call.next_page(meta)
# Find a call
{:ok, call} = ExTwilio.Call.find("CA13a9c7f80c6f3761fabae43242b5b6c6")
# %ExTwilio.Call{
# account_sid: "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
# answered_by: nil, caller_name: "",
# date_created: "Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:27:38 +0000",
# date_updated: "Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:28:35 +0000",
# direction: "outbound-api",
# duration: "52",
# end_time: "Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:28:35 +0000",
# forwarded_from: nil,
# from: "+1xxxxxxxxxx",
# parent_call_sid: nil,
# phone_number_sid: "",
# price: "-0.01500",
# price_unit: "USD",
# sid: "CA13a9c7f80c6f3761fabae43242b5b6c6",
# start_time: "Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:27:43 +0000",
# status: "completed",
# to: "+1xxxxxxxxxx",
# uri: "/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls/CAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json"
# }
# Update a call
call = ExTwilio.Call.update(call, status: "canceled")
# Get a call's recordings. This pattern is repeated wherever you are
# getting a nested resource.
recordings = ExTwilio.Recording.all(call: call.sid)
# Destroy a call
For more in-depth documentation, see the generated docs for each module.
Making and Receiving Calls
See the CALLING_TUTORIAL.md file for instructions on making and receiving calls from the browser with ExTwilio.
Sending SMS messages
Please look at ExTwilio.Message
See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for contribution guidelines.
ExTwilio is licensed under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE
file at the root of the repository. It depends on Elixir, which is under the
Apache 2 license.
TwilioTM is trademark of Twilio, Inc.